Dial-a-Meal Getting Closer

Dining Chicago has Leah Zeldes’ latest report on food fabricators titled “Push-button food emerging from the science-fiction kitchen”. Looks like another technology visualized by classic Star Trek is close to realization.

You’ve heard about the paper food that the molecular gastronomists at the West Loop’s Moto print out … well, that may soon be old hat.

A Massachusetts Institute of Technology research group has designed the Digital Fabricator, a personal, three-dimensional “printer” for food. The device would layer ingredients from an array of food canisters into a mixer and then extrude them, with sub-millimeter precision, into a heating and cooling chamber.  

 [Thanks to David Klaus for the link.]

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3 thoughts on “Dial-a-Meal Getting Closer

  1. You know… probably. I wouldn’t be surprised if John Campbell threw such an idea into one of his early stews. Or maybe Ralph Bellamy. And if you stretch a point, some ancient Egyptian or Babylonian story may have mentioned a magic oven that baked bread without putting any dough in. But the first instance of an automatic food serving gizmo that I recall would almost certainly have been on TV. The Jetson’s “foodarackacycle” (only official spelling would have to be from a script) is likely the first I knew about.

    An alternative might be from Lost in Space, except I think “June” actually had an oven & stove along with a regrigerator, just like another other good 1960 housewife with four degrees in medicine…

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