Diana Glyer Speaking
at 2010 Inklings Conference

The C.S. Lewis and Inklings Society has invited Diana to be one of the keynote speakers at their 13th Annual Conference at Oklahoma City University on April 9-10, 2010, where the theme will be “C. S. Lewis and the Inklings: Discovering Hidden Truth.”

I noticed the Aslans Country blog turned her appearance into one of the “hidden truths” by devoting a ginormous headline to the name of the other speaker and only mentioning Diana in the fine print. 

So let the blogosphere’s accounts now stand in balance…!

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One thought on “Diana Glyer Speaking
at 2010 Inklings Conference

  1. Michael Ward was named in the headline, and not Diana Glyer, because of his connection to our website, namely the “Planet Narnia” forum. Members of AslansCountry.com are more likely to know his name rather than Glyer’s. I apologize if the resulting news post seemed to make Glyer’s appearance at the conference a “hidden truth.”

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