Diana Speaks at Wheaton on Oct. 20

Dr. Diana Pavlac Glyer

Diana Pavlac Glyer lectures about “C.S. Lewis’s Fingerprints on the Map of Middle-Earth” in the Wade Center at Wheaton College at 4 p.m. Wednesday, October 20. The topic of her talk is based on her study of collaboration among the Inklings, which was completed using resources at the Marion E. Wade Center.

Dr. Glyer is the author of The Company They Keep: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community. Her book reveals the behind-the-scenes story of how Lewis, Tolkien, Owen Barfield, Charles Williams, and other Inklings influenced each other’s works, and in the words of Wade Center Associate Director Marjorie Lamp Mead, “deserves a place in the library of all those who value the works of the Inklings.”

Dr. Glyer is a professor of English at Azusa Pacific University and was the winner of the Mythopoeic Scholarship Award for Inklings Studies in 2008, and also a Hugo nominee.  

This lecture is free and open to the public. It takes place at The Marion E. Wade Center, located at 351 E. Lincoln Avenue in Wheaton (campus map).

The Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton College is a special library, archives, and museum devoted to the works of seven British authors including C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, Dorothy L. Sayers, G.K. Chesterton, George MacDonald, and Owen Barfield. Wheaton College (Wheaton, Ill.) is a coeducational Christian liberal arts college noted for its rigorous academics, integration of faith and learning, and consistent ranking among the top liberal arts colleges in the country.

[Based on the Wheaton College press release.]

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3 thoughts on “Diana Speaks at Wheaton on Oct. 20

  1. Awesome! I’d love to be there… gotta be at Vestry in Burbank, but hey – in my next plane of existence, assuming I can bi-locate, I’m sooo there! ;D

  2. Wish I had known earlier. I might have been able to rearrange my schedule to get out to Wheaton and help publicize it to the Chicago SF community.

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