Djinn Faine Recalled

Djinn Faine, an editor of LASFS’ fanzine Shangri L’Affairs in the 1950s, passed away in 2007, however, this was only recently brought to the club’s notice.

Faine, who was briefly married to sf writer Gordon R. Dickson, remarried and became Virginia Faine Russell.

She was the author of one published sf story, ”Daughter of Eve” which appeared in a 1962 issue of F&SF.

Faine appears on this page from the LASFS Album published in 1966 by Al Lewis for the 1500th meeting of the Los Angles Science Fiction Society. Photo via

Faine appears on this page from the LASFS Album published in 1966 by Al Lewis for the 1500th meeting of the Los Angles Science Fiction Society. Photo via

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5 thoughts on “Djinn Faine Recalled

  1. Oh, I’m sorry to hear this, I think (maybe she wouldn’t have wanted to live longer — something that sometimes happens). She was a nice person, and deserved the best of fates.

  2. Not known. Bill Ellern discovered her death when he was researching her on a people-finder database.

  3. Interesting question (as Sam was a LASFSian contemporary.) I couldn’t find an online record of her second marriage, despite finding one for the Dickson marriage, so I don’t know husband Russell’s full name.

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