Does Curt Phillips Collect Australians?

Australian fan Nick Falkner (from Adelaide) is currently attending a series of Computer Science conferences in the US (in the real world, Nick is aka: Dr. Nick Falkner of the School of Computer Science at the University of Adelaide) and will be making a flying visit to see family and friends in Abingdon, Virginia on Sunday, November 1 while en route to yet another Computer Science conference in North Carolina.

What makes this event fannish is that one of the above-mentioned friends will be American fan Curt Phillips, who has a stack of American SF magazines to send Nick home with. 

Nick will be the *fourth* Australian fan to visit Curt in 2009, following Melbourne fan Clare McDonald’s surprise visit to Pulpfest in June (while on her way to the Worldcon in Montreal), and Damien Warman & Juliette Woods of Adelaide who attended Corflu Zed last March in Seattle where Curt was the “Corflu 50 Fan Fund” delegate. 

Curt reports that he completely approves of this trend and is looking forward to seeing which traveling Australian fan drops by for Christmas. 

[Thanks to Curt Phillips for contributing this post.]

Update 10/31/2009: Corrected name per comment.

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2 thoughts on “Does Curt Phillips Collect Australians?

  1. And so it should. Juliette *Lowe* was the founder of the Girl Scouts in the US but was not – so far as I know – involved in Fandom. My apologies to *our* Juliette, but the real question is, why does Juliette Woods make me think about Girl Scouts?

    Curt Phillips – who was never a Boy Scout…

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