Dublin 2019 Attending Membership Rates Go Up February 18

On February 18, 2019, membership rates will rise for Dublin 2019 – An Irish Worldcon.

• Full Adult Attending membership rates rise to €235 from €210
• Irish First Worldcon rates, for adults from the island of Ireland attending their first Worldcon, rise to €150 from €130
• Young Adult Attending membership rates rise to €150 from €130.

These rises take effect at 00.01 Dublin time on Monday, February 18.

The instalment plan will close to new members at the same time.

The rate for a Supporting membership is unchanged at €40. The rate for a child, born between 16 August 2006 and 15 August 2013, remains unchanged at €70. The rate for an Infant, born after 16 August 2013, remains unchanged at €5.

As part of the convention’s policy to encourage families and children to attend Dublin 2019, discounts of up to 10% for Adult-Child families of three or more members are available. Families should register as Supporting members and fill out a Family Membership request form on the website to have the balance calculated.

Until the time of the rate rise, an instalment plan is available to Adult, First Worldcon, Young Adult, and Family members to spread part of the membership cost over a series of bimonthly payments. To activate it, prospective members should register as Supporting members, activate their Family Membership if any, and then fill out the Instalment plan request on the website. The total charge for the membership will be frozen at the time of signing up to the plan.

“We hope as many fans as possible will take advantage of these early bird prices before they expire,” said James Bacon, chair of Dublin 2019. “We’re going to have a fantastic programme for you in August and we can’t wait to welcome everyone.”

More than 4250 people have already registered as attending members of Dublin 2019, plus close to 1000 supporting members. The Dublin 2019 organizers are working to enlarge participation through the con’s own FANtastic Dublin Fund as well as through Con or Bust.

Dublin 2019 – An Irish Worldcon will take place in the Convention Centre Dublin from August 15 to August 19. Activities at the Dublin Worldcon will include the 2019 Hugo Awards, the world’s leading awards for excellence in science fiction and fantasy, as well as the spectacular Masquerade costume display. There are typically 650 to 800 separate programme items, including author readings and autograph sessions, films and videos, academic presentations, and panel discussions on speculative literature and other media, many involving fans and audience.

Other activities at the Dublin Worldcon will include the 2019 Hugo Awards, the world’s leading awards for excellence in science fiction and fantasy, as well as the spectacular Masquerade costume display. There are typically 650 to 800 separate programme items, including author readings and autograph sessions, the art show and auction, academic presentations, and panel discussions on speculative literature and other media, many involving fans and audience. The Irish Science Fiction Film Festival and Golden Blaster Awards will be among the film and video events at Dublin 2019.

Guests of Honour for Dublin 2019 include YA author Diane Duane, and screenwriter and Hugo winner Ian McDonald, as well as game designer Steve Jackson (Melee, Chaos Machine, Munchkin) and editor Ginjer Buchanan. Science Guest of Honour will be Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, who discovered radio pulsars in 1967 as a postgraduate student. Bill and Mary Burns will be fan Guests of Honour. Featured Artists are Jim Fitzpatrick, Maeve Clancy and Afua Richardson.

More information and membership registration for Dublin 2019 are available at https://dublin2019.com. Follow us on Twitter at @dublin2019 50 \ls

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