Dyson Biography Reviewed by Benford

Maverick Genius: The Pioneering Odyssey of Freeman Dyson earned a favorable review by Gregory Benford in the pages of Physics Today:

I have known Freeman Dyson since 1963, yet this first biography of him told me much I did not know. Author Phillip Schewe structures Maverick Genius: The Pioneering Odyssey of Freeman Dyson around stories—in doing so, he mimics Dyson’s own use of stories to illuminate ideas. Schewe‘s writing is often stylishly vivid, giving a sense of the excitement Dyson feels for science and its myriad consequences. The sheer range of Dyson’s interests and accomplishments is striking, as is his abiding concern for humanity. The book divides his life into eras that manifest aspects of his mind: for example, Dyson as mathematician, as seminarian, as artist. That construction works well and makes the book flow. It is one of several strategies in this fine book that biographers of scientists should study.

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