Ellison Among SFF Figures in Academy Website’s Oscars In Memoriam 2019 Photos

Harlan Ellison

Many of the genre figures fans complained were missing from the “In Memoriam” video shown during the Academy Awards broadcast on February 24 do appear in its online gallery of over 200 “Oscars In Memoriam 2019 Photos”.

They include:

[Thanks to Steve Davidson for the story.]

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2 thoughts on “Ellison Among SFF Figures in Academy Website’s Oscars In Memoriam 2019 Photos

  1. Which still leaves the question of how they picked who to put in the video; I wonder whether they figured the video was something they could trim without getting screams from large numbers of participants, unlike the other time trims (e.g., presenting technical awards during commercial breaks) that they had to walk back.

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