Fan Funds Gear Up for 2009

I learned via Garth Spencer’s BCSFAzine #424 (not yet posted at eFanzines) that Bridget Bradshaw and Chris Garcia are starting to plan the 2009 westbound Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund race, the winner attending Anticipation, the 2009 Worldcon in Montreal. Nominations are being solicited now, and close November 5. “Voting begins ASAP after that, at latest by 14 Nov and Novacon. Voting closes on a day to be arranged, shortly after Easter 2009 (April 10-13).”

It’s still apparently early to find plans for the Down Under Fan Fund race. While not an official DUFF site, the SFFANZ New Zealand club’s site at least makes this specific statement about the 2009 DUFF race:

In 2009, the DUFF trip will be from Australasia to the US. Nominations will be opened after March 2008.

For the Australasian-US trip, each candidate must be nominated by three Australasian fans and two North American fans. Each candidate will have a written platform and promises (barring Acts of God) to travel to the 2009 NASFiC, and to serve as administrator of the fund until the next Australasian delegate is elected.

There may be little news about DUFF for 2009, but there actually is a lot of activity among North American fans interested in being the 2010 DUFF delegate to Aussiecon 4. Several are already lining up nominators.

Update 9/5/2008: Corrected “Atlanta” to “Atlantic.”

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6 thoughts on “Fan Funds Gear Up for 2009

  1. Does it count as an “Act of God” preventing one from traveling to the “2009 NASFiC” that there won’t be a NASFiC in 2009, barring Montreal somehow removing itself from the North American continent?

  2. Sorry if you already reported this, but the GUFF race is also open to nominations now. Here’s Damien Warman’s announcement, which has also been posted by the other administrators, Juliette Woods and Ang Rosin:

    The next Get-Up-and-over Fan Fund is now open for nominations. If you know what this means, are an Australasian fan, and have a desire to attend the sixtieth British Eastercon, LX, then you need to contact me. You’ll need to find three nominators in Australasia, two nominators in Europe, and send me a 100 word platform and an AUD25 bond.

    Nominations will close on or around 8 September, and ballots will be immediately distributed. Voting will run until shortly after Novacon.

    Please disseminate widely.

  3. 2009 NASFiC?

    The last I checked, Canada was still in North America. But then again, it seems like every time Canada hosts a Worldcon, you get people assuming that NASFiC is some sort of code word for “US National SF Convention” and that of course there will be a convention in the USA for those people allergic to funny foreign places.


  4. Randy: Thanks for the GUFF info.

    Kevin: Your guess may be right, it’s happened before. Another possibility is that they just rolled over their text from the 2007 race, which did select a delegate to go to a NASFiC. Honestly, I was so busy looking for “2009” I posted this without noticing the mistake myself.

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