Rockefeller News Clippings

With the world’s journalists sifting his past, Clark Rockefeller’s most trivial transgressions are being brought to light. The alias of crime suspect Christian Gerhartsreiter (aka Christopher Chichester), “Clark Rockefeller” has now been caught plagiarizing Michael Crichton:

Clark Rockefeller contributed detailed articles on complex subjects to a local newsletter when he lived in New Hampshire in 2004.

At least one of the articles, however, does not appear to have been written by him. In fact, several passages from a 2003 Caltech speech by Crichton were used by Rockefeller without attribution in an article – titled “Smoke and Rearview Mirrors” – that ran in the April 2004 edition of the Cornish, N.H., newsletter Consider This.

Meantime, the passion of LA County Sheriff’s detectives for solving the 1985 disappearance of John and Linda Sohus, while commendable, may also be driven by a strange coincidence – it happened in the Sheriff’s old neighborhood:

Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca described the 23-year-old missing persons case of John and Linda Sohus as “too important to go unsolved,” his spokesman said Monday.

Baca, 66, a San Marino resident, lived a block away from the Sohuses on Lorain Road from about 1984 until about 2000, according to public records.

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