Fans Converge on Glendale Bookstore
For an Escape From Hell

 Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle autographing Escape From Hell

Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle ready to autograph copies of Escape From Hell.

The new Niven/Pournelle novel Escape From Hell (a.k.a. Inferno II) is a treat long-awaited by LA fans. They showed up to help the authors celebrate at a launch party hosted by Mystery and Imagination Bookshop in Glendale, CA on February 21.

Pournelle told Chaos Manor readers: “Escape from Hell continues the adventures of Allen Carpenter, who finds himself in the Inferno as described by Dante Alighieri. One of my working titles for the book was ‘Vatican 2 meets Dante.’ People encountered include Sylvia Plath, Albert Camus, and Carl Sagan. There are many others. Most think it’s a pretty good read. We got a number of awards for Inferno and some consider it our best book.”

John King Tarpinian took these pictures at the bookstore while the authors were being interviewed by Warren James for Hour 25 Online.

Warren James interviews Niven and Pournelle

Warren James interviews Niven and Pournelle. Suzanne Gibson is at left.

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7 thoughts on “Fans Converge on Glendale Bookstore
For an Escape From Hell

  1. “We got a number of awards for Inferno and some consider it our best book.”

    Ghu knows it’s their shortest.

  2. Pingback: The Middle Ground | The Crotchety Old Fan

  3. i have been unable to find reviews of this book. are there any out there yet? am particularly interested in thoughts on the fictionalization of recent historic figures. it’s early for papers, etc…. have you read it…possibly….?

  4. Many thanks. Do you have a place where you write about your impressions?

  5. REB Audio Books has just released an audio dramatization of “NO EXIT” by Larry Niven and Jeam Marie Stine!

    “No Exit” is the rarest of all Larry Niven stories. Reprinted only once in an obscure British anthology, it has otherwise only been obtainable by those who could afford the high prices charged for older science fiction magazines.

    Written with Jean Marie Stine, it appeared in the June 1971 issue of Fantastic Stories of the Imagination. The original magazine blurb for the story read in part: “Stine’s review here of television’s The Prisoner led to the opportunity to write the third book in that series. Niven is a Hugo winner and the author of the recent novel Ringworld. Put them together and you have…” This REB Audio presentation contains a special introduction written with the assistance of the personal memories and ‘insider’ point of view, of Jean Marie Stine. In it, you’ll hear about how this story came to be written and share some unique glimpses of Niven as the young author-in-the-making.

    Produced and dramatized by Mills Audio/Video Productions, “NO EXIT” is read by Bill Mills and is enhanced with music and sound effects. Strange and evocative, this short story will pull you into it’s unique vortex and will leave you wondering.
    Program Time: 22:24

    ALL Reb Audio Books are just $2.00 and are available in 192k, 96k and 32k mp3 files for customer convenience and easy downloading. ALL product pages include 3 to 4 minute PREVIEW audios to sample the audio book.

    Check out “NO EXIT” available NOW from REB Audio Books!

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