FantasyCon 2022 Canceled

FantasyCon, the annual convention of the British Fantasy Society, has been canceled for 2022. Lee Harris, who was running the event on behalf of the BFS, informed their Executive Committee last week that it wasn’t financially viable.

The con website has announced:

We have some disappointing news.

Due to lower-than-expected membership sales, a traditional 3-day FantasyCon is simply not going to be possible, this year. We simply had too few people book to make the event viable.

This is hugely disappointing, but with Covid still an ongoing issue, combined with the current cost of living crisis, it’s perhaps not surprising that we’re not getting the membership numbers we need.

However, all is not lost. The British FantasyCon Committee are considering alternative options and will be in touch with members, soon.

Everyone who has paid for a membership, dealer table or advertisement for FantasyCon 2022 will have received an email and can expect a full refund to be processed asap.

FantasyCon 2022 had been planned for September 16-19 at Heathrow.

Lee Harris told Facebook readers:

We’re currently around £24,000 away from break-even point, and while memberships continue to come in, it’s a dribble, not a stream; we were anticipating the event would make a loss, but I’m sure you can appreciate that a loss of £20,000-£24,000 is too much to bear.

A traditional FantasyCon is simply not going to be possible, this year.

The British Fantasy Society Committee are considering a number of options for a smaller event, and will be canvassing BFS and FantasyCon members over the coming week to see what people would prefer.

The BFS also tweeted that they are looking into other possibilities.

[Via Ansible Links.]

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5 thoughts on “FantasyCon 2022 Canceled

  1. I used to go every year, flying over from NYC. Many fond memories of the convention and the hotels, met many wonderful people there who I still keep in contact with.

    I’ve forwarded the link for this to a whole bunch of people.

  2. Pingback: New Plan Puts FantasyCon 2022 Back on Calendar | File 770

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