Farewell Echinda

Looks like Aussiecon 4 blew away the attendance records of past Australian Worldcons. Voice of the Echidna #11 (PDF file) reports:

By the close of Sunday, the con had 1673 pre-registered members on site, and 64 walk-in full members. There were 74 Sunday day members. In total, there were 2034 warm bodies on site at various times during the con not counting Monday walk-ins.

I had great fun reading Aussiecon 4’s daily newzine. The staff struck a wonderful balance between useful news and zaniness. It’s almost a pity to read the final issue because they leave you wanting more, with bizarre service announcements like this:

Cold water to refill your bottle can be obtained from the cold taps in the disabled toilets. [And, presumably, all of the other toilets as well…?— Ed]

Bravo, Echidna!

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3 thoughts on “Farewell Echinda

  1. With reference to this quote from Echidna:
    Cold water to refill your bottle can be obtained from the cold taps in the disabled toilets. [And, presumably, all of the other toilets as well…?— Ed]

    Actually, no, the regular toilets had sensor-activated taps which produced warm water; no cold water was available. Only the disabled toilets had taps with a handle that could be turned to choose a water temperature.

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