File 770 Gatherings at Worldcon 76

By Rick Moen: Two File 770 gatherings near Worldcon 76 are planned so far — the evenings of Thursday, August 16 and Friday, August 17.


6:30 p.m. onwards (at end of Opening Ceremonies), starting at
Forager Tasting Room & Eatery
420 S 1st Street, S. of W. San Salvador Street
(408) 831-2433

Rick Moen (me, the organizer) will be walking there from Opening Ceremonies (Forager being just over a block east). Look for a tall guy wearing a Panama hat, if you want to tag along.

Forager is a cavernous but non-noisy place for local beers and ciders, with light food offerings (not full meals; Filer Charon D. described these as ‘kale salad and sandwiches and things’) and long tables, so a big Filer crowd can gather and converse. On Thursdays, like many San Jose establishments, Forager closes at 8 p.m.: I figure many attendees will wish to reconvene, then or earlier, to one or more nearby restaurant, so I’ll have a map and list of suggestions, including Bo Town, a Chinese family-style restaurant with some Vietnamese dishes, on the same block as Forager and open daily to 10pm.

Bo Town Chinese Restaurant
409 S. 2nd Street, S. of W. San Salvador Street
(408) 295-2125


7 p.m. onwards at
Back A Yard Caribbean Grill
80 N Market Street, north of W. Santa Clara Street
(408) 294-8626

This restaurant offering amazing Jamaican food is 850 metres north of the convention centre (1/2 mile), about five blocks up Market Street, and a short walks from both the Santa Clara Station and St. James Station VTA light-rail stops. Tables are big enough, it’s not too noisy, and it probably won’t be crowded. Friday, it’s open to 9pm. It’s not fancy, being all about the excellent cooking.

Steve Davidson has kindly offered the Amazing Stories Magazine booth (which I assume will be in the Dealers’ Room) as a place to meet and leave messages.

Interested in calling an additional File770 gathering? Good! Please send details to Mike Glyer (mikeglyer(at)cs(dot)com), and then I assume he’ll update this posting.

Rick Moen can be SMSed or voice-called on his mobile at +1 (650) 283-7902.

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28 thoughts on “File 770 Gatherings at Worldcon 76

  1. I note that Forager also has meat and cheese plates if your cholesterol is too low. And bacon-wrapped dates and other substantial appetizer things. I’ll be there. I look astonishingly like my avatar here, though I won’t be wearing orange.

  2. Hey, I am looking forward to meeting and greeting my fellow File 770 contributors and readers in the flesh. See you all soon!

    Cheers (or Seinfeld)
    Chris B.

  3. Northern Californians nod understandingly upon seeing kale salad on the menu; we know IPAs and brussels sprouts can’t be far behind.

  4. @Charon D.: We can reasonably hope they have fricasseed doe-eyed woodland creatures, too.

    — Rick (slightly inclining towards the ‘vegetables are what food eats’ school of thought) M.

  5. @Rick: They seem to be very into fancy cured meats and local cheeses. But also local veggies and some fishies. Also possibly bread pudding.

    I don’t expect to personally consume a vegetable till after the con; I usually don’t. Next week is soon enough to eat healthy.

  6. @Lurkertype: Fishies I can work with, as long as they eschew surströmming, the Swedish terror weapon.

    And, hey, I can get in touch with my English maternal ancestry with the aforementioned bread pudding. (My wife Deirdre being Irish and Swedish, and me being Norwegian and English, we’re obliged to take turns classifying each other as a colonial oppressor.)

    (Karl-Johan, that joke’s for you.)

  7. Charon D. on August 14, 2018 at 4:47 pm said:
    we know IPAs and brussels sprouts can’t be far behind.

    Better look back, they may be gaining on you.

  8. Pingback: Pixel Scroll 8/14/18 I Never Saw A Purple Pixel, I Never Hope To See One | File 770

  9. I live in the Pacific Northwest (where for the third year in a row, we are having days of hazy yellow sky and a weird looking sun, because fires) and I’m pretty sure they toss you out if you don’t like kale and brussels sprouts, so I’m good.

  10. Well, of course kale salad is weird. Everybody knows the proper way to have kale is Kohl and Pinkel, consumed with lots of alcohol and after an extensive walk.

  11. PLEASE!

    Do NOT bring any kale to the Amazing Stories booth!

    (If this prohibition goes against the con’s anti-harassment policy, my first defense is that brussel sprouts are ok; my fallback is, no one cares about kale anyway and my walkback is “It was a joke” AND/OR “I never said that!”)

  12. Citing the proceeding as proof that I did “say that” is not reliable proof as the statement being quoted appears on File 770….

    Yay Kale! Go Kale! May 50 thousand tons of kale magically and harmlessly appear in and around the Saturday protests!

  13. @RIck Moen
    @Lurkertype: Fishies I can work with, as long as they eschew surströmming, the Swedish terror weapon.

    Any time I’m tempted to get ahold of some surströmming, this family’s experience with it convinces me not to:

    Nor am I inclined to give it to a dog:

  14. Bill, I have to wonder whether anyone has sent Oor Wombat surströmming for “Kevin And Ursula Eat Cheap”….

  15. Dang, I missed it.
    The 2am repair of the confused credential peeing on the bed just took it out of me.
    I grabbed food and collapsed in hotel room.
    Is Friday still on?
    Or are there other plans?

  16. Friday is still on.

    I’m really sorry you missed it and hope everything is better today. A truly dreadful band at Forager meant we broke into groups that left for Bo Town at different times, but it looked like everyone had a great time. I know I did.

  17. In 1982 they gave me a special committee award. Earlier that evening I was at dinner with the co-chair and his wife who asked me if I’d be at the Hugo Ceremonies (where they planned to surprise me with it) and he just about had a stroke when I said, “I’m planning to go watch Buckaroo Banzai. [which was being shown opposite] I’ve never seen that, but I have seen Locus win the Best Fanzine Hugo.” He shamed me into going so I could cover the event for my readers…. Which worked, fortunately.

  18. @Mike, funny! But that’s the problem with surprises. Sometimes the surprisee doesn’t cooperate!

  19. Clearly there is some malign fate thing going on.
    Niece’s flight is delayed and I need to get her at exactly the wrong time.
    … somehow, eventually, this will work.

  20. I’m really delighted everyone enjoyed Bo Town Restaurant and Back A Yard, and I really enjoyed renewing my acquaintance with old friends and making some new ones. (For the record, I had been told when I reconnoitred Forager that Thursday was a no-live-music night. But hey, at least they had good local beer and ciders.)

    I’d actually never been to Bo Town before, so it’s good to see that it exceeded the expectations I had from reviews. And, IMO, any day with Back A Yard in it is a good one. (Anyone who wasn’t there, consider the walk or light rail ride, for lunch or dinner, any day except Sunday.)

  21. I’m glad to have been introduced to Back A Yard, and may find myself back there again this weekend.

  22. Having fun, watching Bills video with the family who has no clue about how to open a tin of fermented herring.

    There are really only three ways to do it:

    1) You open it under water, but that gives a risk of dilluting the taste.
    2) You hold the tin at 45 degrees angle, making a small hole with an opener, letting the air out. Also keep a napkin over the opener.
    3) Open it in a plastic bag.

    Doing it their way risks spewing stinking liquids on everyone near. Also, they have none of the ingredients needed to make it tasty. And have missed that no one is stupid enough to open a tin indoors.

  23. Hampus: Now I’m intrigued. What are the ingredients that are needed to make fermented fish “tasty”? And do they actually work (for people who weren’t raised on the stuff)?

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