File 770’s Twenty Most-Read Posts of the Year

“2020 Hugo Awards” got more traffic than any other post this year, although not because people wanted to know who won the Hugos. George R.R. Martin left a comment on that post alternately explaining, defending, and apologizing for his choices as toastmaster of CoNZealand’s much-criticized Hugo Awards ceremony, a quote that was widely-linked by mainstream reports about the uproar. Many of those same articles also linked to GRRM’s old post answering criticism of his efforts to host Dublin 2019’s Hugo Losers Party, pulling it up the list right behind his 2020 comment.

The second top story is Andrew Porter’s obituary for Elyse Rosenstein, which went viral as fans across the spectrum realized you could point to the very person who had the idea for the original Star Trek convention.

And so here are the year’s 20 most-read posts according to Google Analytics.

  1. 2020 Hugo Awards
  2. Elyse Rosenstein Has Died
  3. GRRM on the Hugo Losers Party
  4. Clarkesworld Removes Isabel Fall’s Story
  5. Dan Simmons Criticized for Remarks About Thunberg
  6. The #DisneyMustPay Alan Dean Foster and SFWA Joint Press Conference
  7. Writers Circulate Letter of Concern About Saudi Worldcon Bid
  8. Artists Corroborate Flegal Harassment Allegations
  9. Pixel Scroll 8/1/20 Scrollers Tick In Vain
  10. AO3 Blocked in China
  11. Memphis Worldcon Bidders: Won’t Run Retros If They Win; Address Diversity and Inclusion Policies
  12. Pixel Scroll 8/3/20 Undeserved Loss And Inaccessible Healing
  13. Where To Find The 2020 Hugo Award Finalists For Free Online
  14. Schluessel: My Zoom Background Censored Again
  15. Hugo Awards 2020 Finalists
  16. Pixel Scroll 8/5/20 Please Pixel Your Scroll In The Form Of A Question
  17. 2020 Recommended SF/F Page
  18. Pixel Scroll 8/2/20 Lemonade Stand On Zanzibar
  19. How Audible’s Returns Policy Exploits Writers
  20. 2020 Recommended SF/F List

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