Filer Meetup at Pemmi-Con?

Hi all, long-time lurker Cath Jackel here. I’m a fan living in Western Canada who will be attending Pemmi-Con in Winnipeg next weekend. Are there any other Filers planning to attend? Would you be interested in meeting up? 

It would be for an hour or so, outdoors if possible, and not conflicting with any major programming items. If yes, please let me know in comments below by the end of Tuesday July 18. If we go forward, I’ll sort out details and post them later this week.

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26 thoughts on “Filer Meetup at Pemmi-Con?

  1. I don’t think I’m a filer. But I live in Winnipeg, just a few blocks from the Convention. I’m doing a panel, but otherwise I suspect I’ll have flexible time. And I would love to meet fellow fans and enthusiasts, so I’d be happy to participate.

  2. At the last minute, I had to cancel plans to travel to Winnipeg, but I will be attending the con virtually and working on the newsletter. Please send meetup announcements and reports to [email protected].

  3. I’m a native Winnipegger and a serious File lurker for a year or two now. It’s addictive, isn’t it? I’ve volunteered for a few evening registration shifts, and some other quite indefinite duties, and maybe a panel or two [everything is still delightfully unresolved!]; but I’d really enjoy an informal get-together like this, and I would certainly like to hear more and will join if at all possible.
    Winnipeg had July/August weather in May/June; we’ve just endured a little late September at the beginning of July, but are supposed to be back to proper summer weather by Wednesday; and “outdoors” should work.

  4. I’ll be there and would be interested in meeting. Outside is fine if the air quality isn’t “unhealthy.” Not sure how the wildfire smoke is in Winnipeg.

  5. I know the con required masks for convention activities in the convention area and I brought some N95’s in case the air quality was bad due to particulate matter.

  6. I am attending but won’t be on the ground until Thursday late afternoon. Please include me if possible. (My last meetup with this group was at Worldcon Spokane.)

  7. Hi all! Glad to hear there is interest in meeting up. I’m covid cautious, and avoid eating or drinking indoors around other people. Fortunately, the forecast is looking good for gathering outdoors.
    I propose a BYO coffee assembly at 9 am on both Saturday and Sunday, at the Japanese Garden east of the convention centre. Once I get there and look at the space, I’ll narrow down which corner to gather in particular.

  8. BTW @Chris Gerrib, if you went to Saranac in Spokane, I was the one who researched and found that space. I booked it for Making Light, and Filers picked it up for their meetup as well.

  9. I’m contemplating a craft beer expedition Friday evening, but this may involve going a bit further afield. Lake of the Woods is within walking distance and has a patio. But they don’t take reservations and I fear they will be jammed full of the after-work crowd. Is there anyone local to Winnipeg who can suggest an alternate spot, even if we have to drive not walk?

    People who are interested in a beer trek, could you raise your hands here? I’d like to get an idea of what the crowd size might be.

  10. @Tom Becker, thanks for the nudge about getting info to the con newsletter. Once I’ve confirmed plans I will send them along.

  11. Karisu and I will be there, and this time, mostly not working! (Other than doing a presentation of my Worldbuilders of SF&F project). Craft beer sounds good!

    My wife is a Pokemon player so if anyone wants to poke-friend her or go on raids, I will pass the message along.

    We are flying out on Tuesday the 25th, so any local people have any good suggestions for Things-To-Do on Monday, let me know. I am aware of the Fringe theaters thing, but do not know much about it per se.

    I’m a photographer, so any scenic places close by etc. would be nice too.


  12. We begin our drive to Winnipeg tomorrow morning and I’ll be intermittently offline. I’ll check back Wednesday night and post an update when we arrive on Thursday. Looking forward to meeting you all!

  13. Like @Tom Becker, I had to cancel travel and stay home, and have been greatly looking forward to the Zoom “virtual attendance” promised for about half the panels. Except, half a day in, I’m starting to get worried: Has anyone seen information about Zoom links? Even though I’m logged into Grenadine as a full member, I see nothing about virtual access, nor anything in Mooseletter issue 0, nor elsewhere on either of the two Web sites.

    About five hours ago, a Pemmi-Con staffer kindly e-mailed me saying “Zoom information is coming soon. Sorry for the delay!”, but that’s the most recent thing I’ve seen/heard.

    I don’t want to burden the volunteers, so haven’t barraged them with queries. Is there a more-current source of news/discussion, e.g., a Discord instance?

  14. Hi all,

    I’m at the con and have had a chance to look around. Programming starts at 10 am. I am changing the meetups on Saturday and Sunday morning to an hour later at NINE am. Location will be the Japanese garden/plaza south of the Delta hotel. Go out the front door of the hotel, turn left, and walk half a block. There isn’t seating, but the Carlton street side has raised concrete planters we can perch on.

    BYO drinks and snacks. The Delta has a main floor coffee shop that opens at 7 am both mornings. On Saturday, the Bagelsmith on 185 Carlton opens at 9 am. Their breakfast sandwich is pretty good.

    I have red hair and will be wearing a bright blue batik shirt. Looking forward to meeting you!

  15. Whoops, not enough coffee. For some reason I thought I’d first proposed 8 am. My note on July 17 says 9 am – past me had it correct the first time. There is no time change.

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