Finland Bids For 2025 Eurocon

Finland is bidding to host the 2025 Eurocon in Mariehamn in the Åland Islands. Saila Kyllönen, speaking for Maa ja Ilma Ry, formally announced the bid at the European Science Fiction Society meeting that took place in the online space of the ongoing, Croatian-hosted 2020 Eurocon, Futuricon

The Finnish Eurocon bid, if successful, will run as Archipelacon II and take place ten years after the original Archipelacon. Though dates cannot yet be confirmed it will likely take place during the summer. Maa ja Ilma Ry is the Finnish fan-run legal entity which ran both that Archipelacon and the Helsinki Worldcon in 2017.

The Finnish bid for 2025 goes alongside proposals for Eurocon to take place in Luxembourg in 2022Uppsala, Sweden in 2023 and Rotterdam in the Netherlands in 2024. The location of the 2022 Eurocon will be formally decided as the ESFS business meeting continues tomorrow.

The Åland Islands are a Swedish-speaking part of Finland. Demilitarized by international treaty, the islands have also played host to the nearly-annual Åcon convention since 2007.

[Thanks to Edmund Schluessel for the story.]

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One thought on “Finland Bids For 2025 Eurocon

  1. Luxembourg was confirmed at Eurocon 2020/Rijeka (virtual) as Eurocon-April 2022! (It is also that year’s annual Luxcon and in the very South of the Grand Duchy -in Dudelange, right next to the French border). Mm- a comment / suggestion re “Archipelicon” in Marieham Aland in 2025. I attended that in 2015 and it had –inter alia– George R R Martin amongst the Guests. Since in 2010, there occurred “Tricon” (ie Eurocon 2010 plus Polcon (Polish NatCon) + Parcon (Czech+Slovak JointNat Con), I’m suggesting that the Aland 2025 event could go even one better : the 1st “QuadCon”! Being a Swedish-speaking area within Finland : 4 Cons in one – Aland itself (Acon), Eurocon, Finncon (Finnish NatCon) and Swecon (Swedish NatCon)..?? !! Views?? best to all and stay safe!

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