Forry Riding Wave of Encouragement

Doug Spaulding posted a new message from Joe Moe, Forry’s assistant, to on November 10:

Thanks for all of your love and support. I pass each message on to Forry. Right now, I need everyone’s help to dispel any misinformation traveling around fandom. As I’ve said before, Forry gleefully relishes the early obits and other stuff. But it’s important that friends and fans don’t suffer distress from false reports and mere opinions. Recently, for example, someone wrote to me that they’d heard that Forry is “starving himself to death.” That is completely UNTRUE. Forry has increasing difficulty swallowing. He chokes when he tries to eat or drink anything. Still, he’s requesting Ensure and lots of water and doing his best to get it down.

Let me make this absolutely clear. Forry is not willing to hurt himself to make a quick exit. He’s just unwilling or desiring to get better. He’s made the choice to bide his time until he goes to sleep and doesn’t wake up. He’s not ill with infection anymore but he has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure which is in early stages. His body is weakening and he doesn’t walk anymore.

For everyone’s peace of mind, please don’t give weight to reports from others who may pop in and visit Forry only periodically. I am at his side (along with caregiver Dolly, close pal Pam Keesey and Earl) every day from the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to bed. All of us who are caring for him are trying to get him to hang around as long as possible without disobeying his wishes for no medical intervention. I look upon every day we have with Forry as an opportunity for more fans and friends to express their appreciation and love for him. Love, Joe

And on November 12, the LASFS website relayed an additional update from Joe Moe:

Following a long depressing haul, there is some good news.

All of your cards, letters and well-wishes have really caused Forry to rally! The torrent of love flooding the Ackerminimansion has encouraged Forry to fight for his life.

I can’t predict how much longer we’ll have him around. A day? A week? A month? Who knows? But I can tell you we’re taking full advantage of this upturn to really encourage Forry to get stronger and hang around a while more. I am actually feeling hopeful he’ll make it to his 92nd birthday on November 24th.

Please pass this message on and let everyone know that their tributes, stories and prayers have had a miraculous effect on Forry. We should all continue to support him (and each other) and enjoy his presence as long as we are able. Thank you all so much!

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