“From The New World” Proposal Series: Including Membership, Business Meeting, Finance, Site Selection, Responsibility, Hugo Awards, Translation, and So On, by Zimozi Natsuco

EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION: This seventh reprint from Journey Planet’s “Be the Change” issue is presented in both English and Chinese. Zimozi Natsuco covers proposals to redefine WSFS membership and associated rights, to prohibit sale of tickets or other Worldcon admissions that lack WSFS rights, to reform the financial accountability requirements in the Constitution, and to make the Business Meeting easier for members to attend.

By Zimozi Natsuco: Since the end of the World Science Fiction Convention in Chengdu, I have been thinking about what new things we have brought to the World Science Fiction Convention. The “we” in this case probably has many meanings depending on who I am. But there is no doubt that Chengdu is making a difference.

It seems that the World Science Fiction Convention and the Hugo Awards are changing and changing a lot. In the face of such change we may be overwhelmed, we may not know what to do, but we should always think of the words: There is no escape!

I had the pleasure of reading some historical information about the World Science Fiction Convention. These materials reminded me that a nearly 100-year-old science fiction convention should have the ability to renew itself and that science fiction fans, who are the main body of the convention, should be involved in this renewal.

I therefore offer some of my comments in this proposal, which is divided into nine parts:

The first is a desire to clarify the rights of members. A science fiction convention is a convention built by science fiction fans, participated in by science fiction fans, and enjoyed by science fiction fans, and there should be more clarity about who is a member and what members get.

The second is a proposal regarding financial issues. I have seen some abnormalities in the financial report, so it should be clarified that the organising committee should take financial responsibility, especially the financial transparency, openness, and honesty. This in turn raises the issue of sponsorship, and based on the experience of recent years, a more detailed specification would make such sponsorship more open.

The issue of the change of venue for the World Science Fiction Convention has attracted a great deal of attention over the past year. I cautiously argued that changes should be made with full input from the membership, and made some suggestions about the process and limitations of changing the venue based on accessibility and scheduling considerations. There are further restrictions on the choice of venue, including an emphasis on its ability to host World Science Fiction Convention events.

It is worrying that there is some discord in the face of a situation where a World Science Fiction Convention is truly “going global”. I believe that we should not restrict the holding of World Science Fiction Conventions around the world with slogans that are not universally applicable, and therefore suggest that bids should not be cancelled for no reason, and that every region should be guaranteed full participation in the bidding process. Unfair competition in the bidding process is a concern, and although it has not arisen yet, it is necessary to prevent it through some provisions.

Similarly, a fair clause to prevent unfair competition in the Hugo Awards was proposed, which could promote fairness and impartiality of the Hugo Awards and prevent them from being influenced by publishing companies and nepotism.

In addition, a resolution calling for an investigation and review of the high-profile issue of the Chengdu Worldcon Brand Promotion Centre is at least a start to solving the problem.

As a Chinese sci-fi fan, I would also like to see more Chinese sci-fi enthusiasts participate in the WSC, so this proposal includes a Chinese section and a proposal to translate the charter.

The proposed changes to the WSFS Constitution follow the jump.

[This first portion of the Chinese translation reproduces pages from Journey Planet because there is one character that WordPress is failing to render correctly.]

This is a proposal for a series of proposals. The formal proposal that may eventually be submitted may be several separate proposals.


Part 1: Membership correction on its definition and rights


Moved, To amend Section 1.5: Memberships. the WSFS Constitution to replace the existing identification of membership by striking out and inserting words as follows:


Section 1.5: Memberships.

1.5.1: Each Worldcon shall offer WSFS memberships and attending supplements.

1.5.2: The rights of WSFS members of a Worldcon shall include the following rights: right to receive all of its generally distributed publications. WSFS memberships held by natural persons may not be transferred, except that, in case of death of a natural person holding a WSFS membership, it may be transferred to the estate of the decedent. the right to nominate and vote for the Hugo Award in the current year and the next following year and the right to vote for the Hugo Award in the current year; the right to apply for financial openness, receive financial reports and cast doubts on finance of the current Worldcon or NASFiC Committee, all future selected Worldcon or NASFiC Committees, the two immediately preceding Worldcon Committees, and the Committees of any NASFiCs held in the previous two years. the right to receive periodic progress reports from the current Worldcon committee; the right to attend the business meeting, submit non-privileged new business reports and agenda items, vote for business reports and other reports; but the rights to attend the business meeting and vote are only available if the membership is added with an attending supplement; the right to receive all of its generally distributed publications, including progress reports, newsletters, financial reports, Hugo Award messages, business meeting agendas, business meeting minutes and other relevant publications; and other rights considered appropriate by the current Worldcon committee.

1.5.3: The rights of WSFS members who have an attending supplement of a Worldcon include the rights of WSFS members plus the right of general attendance at said Worldcon and at the WSFS Business Meeting held thereat.

1.5.4: Members of WSFS who cast a site-selection ballot with the required fee shall be supporting members of the selected Worldcon. These members should be called as Worldcon support members. Voters have the right to purchase a WSFS membership supplement in the selected Worldcon within ninety (90) days of its selection, for an additional fee set by its committee. This additional fee shall not be greater than the difference between the WSFS member and Worldcon supporting member fees and shall not exceed 25% of the site selection voting fee. However, if there is no additional fee between the WSFS membership and the Worldcon support membership, Worldcon support members shall become WSFS members of the selected Worldcon automatically.

1.5.5: Voters have the right to purchase an attending supplement in the selected Worldcon within ninety (90) days of its selection, for an additional fee set by its committee. This fee must not exceed four (4) times the site-selection fee and must not exceed the price of an attending supplement for new members.

1.5.6: The Worldcon Committee shall make provision for persons to become supporting WSFS members for no more than one hundred and twenty-five percent (125%) of the site-selection fee, or such higher amount as has been approved by the Business Meeting, until a cutoff date no earlier than ninety (9045) days before their Worldcon.

1.5.7: Other memberships and fees shall be at the discretion of the Worldcon Committee. However, the Committee shall ensure that such memberships include, as a minimum, the benefits of WSFS membership as set out in clause 1.5.2 above, except for reasons of age, civil capacity, and ability to attend.

1.5.8: No convention committee shall sell a membership that includes any WSFS voting rights for less than the cost of the Supporting Membership required by Article 4 in the selection of that convention.

1.5.9: No convention committee shall sell a membership, an attendance ticket or similar qualifications in other names that is available to persons of the age of majority at the time of the convention (as defined by the laws of the country and other jurisdictions where the convention is being held), that allows attendance and full participation for the entire duration of the convention and that does not include all WSFS voting rights. Should no law of the country and other jurisdictions where the convention is being held define an age of majority, the convention shall consider all persons 18 years of age or older as being of age of majority.

1.5.10: No convention shall terminate the sale of supporting memberships prior to the close of site selection.

1.5.11: WSFS memberships held by natural persons may not be transferred, except that, in case of death of a natural person holding a WSFS membership, it may be transferred to the estate of the decedent.

At the same time, the Chinese translation or the Chinese version should be amended by striking out and inserting words as follows:




1.5.2: 世界科幻大会支持会员能够收到大会分发的所有出版刊物。世界科幻协会会员资格得包括以下权利: 当年和下一年雨果奖的提名权,及当年雨果奖的投票权; 对本届世界大会或NASFiC委员会、今后所有入选的世界大会或NASFiC委员会、前两届世界大会委员会以及前两年举行的任何NASFiC 委员会的财务状况申请财务公开、接收财务报告并就其财务状况和报告提出质疑的权利; 收到本届世界大会委员会的定期进度报告的权利;出席事务会议,提交非特权性的新事务报告和议程项目,对事务会议和其他报告进行表决的权利; 收到大会分发的所有出版刊物,包括进度报告、通讯、财务报告、雨果奖信息、事务会议议程、事务会议记录和其他相关出版物的权利;以及本届世界大会委员会认为适当的其他权利。


1.5.4:按规定缴纳费用并参与大会选址投票的WSFS会员,应自动成为当选城市所举办的世界科幻大会的支持性会员,即世界科幻大会支持会员。投票者有权在选定世界大会后九十(90)天内购买该世界科幻大会的 WSFS会员资格,额外费用由其委员会确定。这一额外费用不得高于WSFS会员与Worldcon支持会员费用之间的差额,且不得超过选址投票费的25%。但是,如果WSFS会员与世界科幻大会支持会员之间没有额外费用差额,世界科幻大会支持会员应自动成为当选世界科幻大会的WSFS会员。



1.5.7:其他会员资格和费用由当届世界科幻大会组委会自行决定。然而,委员会应确保此类会员资格至少包括上文第 1.5.2 条规定的 WSFS 会员的权益,但因年龄、民事行为能力和出席能力等原因造成的会员资格除外。




1.5.11:自然人持有的 WSFS 会籍不得转让,但持有 WSFS 会籍的自然人死亡时,可将其转让给死者的遗产

Commentary: It should be noted that the current articles fail to make clear the distinction between the rights of supporting members, World Science Fiction Society members, tickets, and so on. This caused serious confusion at the most recent World Science Fiction Convention. By clarifying the rights of World Science Fiction Society members, it will help to help science fiction fans recognise their rights, strengthen the understanding that World Science Fiction Conventions are based on the support of their science fiction fans, and further increase participation.

This proposal begins with the requirement that a World Science Fiction Convention must have World Science Fiction Society membership with full rights as its basis for participation and fees. In response to the current reference to the sole right of World Science Fiction Society members to have access to publication materials, other necessary rights are added, covering business meetings, progress reports, financial reports, and so on. The wording of Supporting Membership creates confusion in the current version, which the proposal modifies and suggests limiting it to those members who pay a fee in the Site Selection Ballot.

The proposal is prudent to make rate additions. With respect to this section, the proponents respectfully seek your better opinion.

The proposal also clarifies that the sale of qualifications that do not include the right to membership in the WSFS, at the door or otherwise, is prohibited. This is based on the fact that at the most recent World Science Fiction Convention there was ambiguity regarding WSFS membership rights, and that so-called tickets to the convention affected the sale of WSFS memberships and science fiction fans were not informed of those rights.

述评:应当注意到,现行条款未能明确支持会员(supporting members),世界科幻协会会员,门票等的权利区别。这在最近一届世界科幻大会中造成了严重混乱。通过明确世界科幻协会会员的权利,有助于帮助科幻迷认识自身权利,加强对世界科幻大会是以其科幻迷的支持为基础的认识,并进一步提高参与度。




Part 2:Finance correction


Moved, To amend Section 2.8 and 2.9 the WSFS Constitution, remove Section2.8 and 2.9 of the former chapter and reformulate them into new articles. replace the current requirements for financial disclosure and financial reporting with an overarching requirement for financial accountability by striking out and inserting words as follows:


Section 2.8: Financial Openness. Any member of WSFS shall have the right, under reasonable conditions, to examine the financial records and books of account of the current Worldcon or NASFiC Committee, all future selected Worldcon or NASFiC Committees, the two immediately preceding Worldcon Committees, and the Committees of any NASFiCs held in the previous two years.

Section 2.9: Financial Reports.

2.9.1: Each future selected Worldcon or NASFiC Committee shall submit an annual financial report, including a statement of income and expenses, to each WSFS Business Meeting after the Committee’s selection.

2.9.2: Each Worldcon or NASFiC Committee shall submit a report on its cumulative surplus/loss at the next Business Meeting after its convention.

2.9.3: Each Worldcon or NASFiC Committee should dispose of surplus funds remaining after accounts are settled for its convention for the benefit of WSFS as a whole.

2.9.4: In the event of a surplus, the Worldcon or NASFiC Committee, or any alternative organizational entity established to oversee and disburse that surplus, shall file annual financial reports regarding the disbursement of that surplus at each year’s Business Meeting, until the surplus is totally expended or an amount equal to the original surplus has been disbursed.

2.9.5: All financial reports shall include the convention’s name, mailing address and other contact information, including the name of the person certifying and submitting the report and, if applicable, the name of the convention’s parent organization, its tax-exempt status, the location of incorporation, its address, website, email and other contact information, and the names and titles of its current officers.

Section 2.8: Financial Responsibility.

2.8.1: It is the unshrinkable responsibility and obligation of the World Science Fiction Convention Committee to keep the finances of the World Science Fiction Convention open, transparent, clean and sustainable.

2.8.2: The Worldcon committee shall make full use of the funds it receives to organize Worldcon. Sources of funding could include membership fees, financial or other forms of sponsorship from governments, corporations or other organizations, donations from members in the name of individual natural persons, and pass-through funds under the current system.

2.8.3: The Worldcon organizing committee can obtain sponsorship from corporations, governments, or other organizations to run the event. Sponsorship means funds, in-kind goods (ownership or right to use), human resources, services, etc., provided by organizations other than the World Science Fiction Society, the Committee of the current World Science Fiction Convention, including governmental and non-governmental organizations and enterprises, or by WSFS membersin the form of non-membership fees and donations in the name of individual natural persons, except in the following cases:

Goods, services, usage rights, etc. purchased or rent by the committee in the form of market transactions, such shall be considered as expenses of the committee;

Volunteer services provided by volunteers of the Congress in the form of no demand for labour remuneration, but if the volunteer services are organized orprovided by a third party other than the committee and individual members, such shall still be considered as sponsorship; Sponsorship shall be limited to activities that promote the Worldcon. The use of sponsorship for the financial or other benefit of members of the organizing committee is prohibited.

2.8.4: In the event that a sponsored event uses the trademarks, brands or other related intellectual property rights of the current World Science Fiction Convention, the WSFS and the Hugo Awards, it is the responsibility and obligation of the current committee to supervise the proper use of the trademarks, brands or other related intellectual property rights in the sponsored event, and to provide clarification to the Mark Protection Committee and to the WSFS members regarding the use.

2.8.5: The committee shall strictly prohibit non-transparency, corruption, malfeasance and other illegal practices in the financial field. The committee has the responsibility and duty to protect the trademarks, brands or other related intellectual property rights of the current World Science Fiction Convention, the WSFS and the Hugo Awards from improper activities.

2.8.6: Each Worldcon or NASFiC Committee should dispose of surplus funds remaining after accounts are settled for its convention for the benefit of WSFS as a whole.

2.8.7 Financial Openness Any member of WSFS shall have the right, under reasonable conditions, to examine the financial records and books of account of the current Worldcon or NASFiC Committee, all future selected Worldcon or NASFiC Committees, the two immediately preceding Worldcon Committees, and the Committees of any NASFiCs held in the previous two years. When receiving the request, the committee should respond in no more than 20 working days, offering possible reports and necessary illustrations. If can’t, the progress of the development of the relevant records, books and financial report with the time at which it can be made public shall be indicated, or reasonable access to get the materials shall be provided. the two immediately preceding Worldcon Committees, and the Committees of any NASFiCs shall be proactive in financial disclosure beyond responding to WSFS member requests. Such openness shall be made through financial reports to the business meeting, newsletters, periodic progress reports or other feasible means. Financial openness should ensure that it is fair, transparent, complete and, as far as possible, adapted to the comprehension of ordinary people who do not have specialized knowledge.

2.8.8 Financial Reports Each future selected Worldcon or NASFiC Committee shall submit an annual financial report, including a statement of income and expenses, to each WSFS Business Meeting after the Committee’s selection Each Worldcon or NASFiC Committee shall submit a report on its cumulative surplus/loss at the next Business Meeting after its convention. All financial reports submitted to the business meeting may be distributed to WSFS members at the same time as the publications of the Worldcon. The cumulative surplus/loss should include:

the surplus in the existence of the committee from all sources like membership fees, financial or other forms of sponsorship from governments, corporations or other organizations, donations from members in the name of individual natural persons, and pass-through funds under the current system;

the loss for the running for bidding, preparation and organization, which happens in the existence of the committee;

the sponsorship from governments, corporations or other organizations, which are not gifted to the committee directly but are spent in other ways relevant to the convention;

other necessary surplus/loss considered by the committee. In the event of a surplus, the Worldcon or NASFiC Committee, or any alternative organizational entity established to oversee and disburse that surplus, shall file annual financial reports regarding the disbursement of that surplus at each year’s Business Meeting, until the surplus is totally expended or an amount equal to the original surplus has been disbursed. The Worldcon or NASFiC Committee shall not be dissolved or cease to exist before the surplus has been disbursed. All financial reports shall include the convention’s name, mailing address and other contact information, including the name of the person certifying and submitting the report and, if applicable, the name of the convention’s parent organization, its tax-exempt status, the location of incorporation, its address, website, email and other contact information, and the names and titles of its current officers. All financial reports shall be responsible for its openness, transparency, accuracy and professionalism. WSFS members should have the right to question the financial report at the business meeting and ask for an explanation from the committee members. WSFS members have the right to request a vote on the financial report at the business meeting if sufficient evidence is provided as a complete proposal. If the vote is not passed, th committee is deemed to have failed in its financial responsibilities and shall be required to provide a correct, transparent and professional financial report and have it passed at the business meeting.

At the same time, the Chinese translation or the Chinese version should be amended by striking out and inserting words as follows:


[EDITOR’S NOTE: No Chinese translation of the deleted language marked above has been provided, only the inserted language.]








2.8.5: 组委会得严厉禁止在财务领域出现的不透明、腐败和渎职行为。组委会有责任和义务保护本届世界科幻大会、WSFS和雨果奖的商标、品牌或其他相关知识产不受侵害.

2.8.6: 为了WSFS整体利益,每届世界科幻大会或北美科幻大会组委会应正确处理大会账户结算后剩余的资金。

2.8.7: 财务公开 WSFS的任何会员有权在合理条件下,查阅前后五届(当届以及前后两届)大会(世界科幻大会或北美科幻大会)组委会的财务记录和账簿。收到申请后,相应委员会应在不超过 20 个工作日内做出答复,提供可能的报告和必要的说明。如果不能提供相应报告或说明,应说明相应财务记录的编制进度和可以公开的时间,或提供获取相应材料的合理途径。 前后五届(当届以及前后两届)大会(世界科幻大会或北美科幻大会)组委会应在回应 WSFS 成员的要求之外,主动公开财务状况。这种公开应通过提交给事务会议的财务报告、通讯、定期进度报告或其他可行方式进行。财务公开应确保其公正、透明、完整,并尽可能适应不具备专业知识的普通人的理解能力。

2.8.8: 财务报告 每个未来入选的世界大会或 NASFiC 委员会应在选址投票公布之日起向世界科幻协会的每次事务会议提交年度财务报告,包括收入和支出报表。 每个世界大会或 NASFiC 委员会应在其大会结束后的下一次事务会议上提交累计盈亏报告。所有提交给事务会议的财务报告得同时作为会议出版物分发给WSFS会员。 累计盈余/亏损应包括:




委员会认为必要的其他盈余/损失。如果出现盈余,世界科幻大会或北美科幻大会组委会,或为监督和支付该盈余而设立的任何其他组织实体,应在每年的大会事务会议上提交有关该盈余支付的年度财务报告,直至盈余已全部支出或已支出相当于原始盈余的金额。在盈余已全部支出或已支出相当于原始盈余的金额前,组委会不得解散或停止存在。财务报告应包括大会的名称、邮寄地址,以及包括证明人和提交报告人姓名在内的其他联系信息。如果条件允许,提供大会上级组织的名称、免税状态、公司的所在地、地址、网站、电子邮件和其他联系信息,以及现任负责人的姓名和头衔。所有财务报告应对其公开性、透明度、准确性和专业性负责。 WSFS 会员应有权在会员大会上质询财务报告,并要求委员会成员做出解释。如果以完整提案的形式提供充分证据,WSFS 会员有权要求在事务会议上对财务报告进行表决。如果表决未通过,则视为委员会未能履行其财务责任,得责成其重新提供正确、透明和专业的财务报告,并在事务会议上获得表决通过。

Commentary: It is clear that financial accountability is an important responsibility that the organising committee should fulfil. It is rather unfortunate that the current constitution does not provide clear guidance and requirements in this regard, but merely sets out requirements for financial disclosure and financial reporting. The addition of an anti-corruption provision would encourage the organising committee of each congress to fully discharge this responsibility.

At the same time, the proposal calls for the development of third-party sponsorship to be recognised. Reasonable and appropriate sponsorship has the potential to promote the development of World Science Fiction Conventions, reduce financial pressure, lower the cost of attendance for members, and ultimately promote more science fiction fans to participate in World Science Fiction Conventions. However, adherence to the core qualities of a convention’s fan body and fan hosting should remain a necessary guideline for sponsorship. The proposal calls for a prudent approach to sponsorship that enhances transparency and regulation.

For financial disclosure, which is an important way to promote financial probity, the proposal suggests more feasible ways to make financial disclosure accessible to members and to recognise the need for financial disclosure. A set deadline for response will facilitate the organising committee to be able to properly discharge this responsibility. The time limit for this provision is modelled on China’s experience with government disclosure, for example in Chengdu, where requests for government disclosure must be responded to by the relevant unit within 20 working days.

The responsibility for financial reporting is also refined in the proposal, which calls for further refinement of the coverage of financial reporting, particularly third-party sponsorships that may be overlooked by the organising committee, and proposes that members’ oversight of the financial situation be strengthened through a business meeting.





Part 3:Business Meeting


Moved, To amend Article 5 – Powers of the Business Meeting the WSFS Constitution to replace the current provisions of business meeting by striking out and inserting words as follows:


In Section 5.1: WSFS Business Meetings. inserting:

5.1.7: Availability of the business meetings. The current Worldcon Committee shall offer appropriate agenda and place to hold the business meeting offline. The time of the business meeting cannot be in conflict with other major Worldcon agendas, such as the Opening Ceremony, Closing Ceremony, Hugo Awards Ceremony, Panels with Guests of Honors, and major events. The location of the business meeting cannot be more than 1.5 kilometers from the main conference venue.


5.1.8Virtual and online meetings. Each session of the business meeting shall provide access via the Internet so that members of the World Science Fiction Association may participate and vote in the business meeting online. The online business meeting shall provide for live video and audio streaming of the meeting, voice speakers, a vote-counting system and other necessary facilities. The specific operating procedures for online business meetings shall be specified in the Standing Rules for the Governance of the Business Meeting. Within 60 days after the conclusion of each business meeting, the General Assembly business meeting staff shall submit to the WSFS membership a video recording of the entire business meeting.


Section 5.4: Minutes. Each business meeting shall make minutes.

5.4.1: The minutes shall include the main agenda of the business meeting, the debates and speeches of the members, the results of the voting ballots, and other elements as necessary. The minutes shall also include a list of all members attending each meeting, the adjudicator and staff of the business meeting, and the signatures of those who prepared the minutes.

5.4.2: Within sixty (60) days after the end of each Worldcon, the Business Meeting staff shall send a copy of the minutes to the next Worldcon Committee and the WSFS members.

5.4.3: The minutes shall ensure a faithful and accurate account of the conduct of the business meeting and shall not be subject to arbitrary deletions, deliberate distortions or manipulations of the results of voting.

At the same time, the Chinese translation or the Chinese version should be amended by striking out and inserting words as follows:



5.1.7: 事务会议通达性。当届世界科幻大会应提供合适的时间和地点在世界科幻大会期间通过线下举办事务会议。事务会议的时间不能同世界科幻大会的其他主要活动和议程,如开闭幕式、雨果奖颁奖典礼、有重要嘉宾(如荣誉嘉宾)参加的活动等冲突。事务会议的地点距世界科幻大会主要场馆的直线距离不得超过1.5公里。








Commentary: More and more members have realized that it should be allowed to make more members to have the possibility to join the business meeting. By setting convenience on time and place, it could come true.

Minutes should be considered as a significant part of the business meeting, As a record, it could raise the awareness of responsibility to the history. A new proposal could make it possible to appeal to making the minutes more available to the members and increase the accuracy.



Part 4: Responsibility of the Worldcon committees

第四部分 组委会责任

Moved, To amend Article 2 – Powers and Duties of Worldcon Committees the WSFS Constitution to replace the current provisions of the powers and duties of Worldcon Committees by striking out and inserting words as follows:


Article 2 –Powers and Duties and Powers of Worldcon Committees

Section 2.1: Duties. The Worldcon shall be held annually. A Worldcon Committee shall be formed for each Worldcon. Each Worldcon Committee shall, by this Constitution, provide to promote the development of WSFS, Worldcon and Hugo Award for:

(1)   holding the current Worldcon at the promised date and in the promised location,

(2)   administering the Hugo Awards,

(3)   administering any future Worldcon or NASFiC site selection required, and

(4)   holding a WSFS Business Meetingand,

(5)   other necessary duties considered by the committee.

Section 2.X: Worldcon at the Promised Date and Time.

2.X.1: A Worldcon shall be held at the promised place and time.

2.X.2: However, if the committee would like to change the promised place or time, the change could be considered legal only because of the following situations:

(1)   From the command or the request of the local administration or the provider of the location without the subjective  fault of the committee;

(2)   Force majeure: an event which must be unforeseeable, external, and irresistible and generally covers natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and epidemics, as well as human actions, such as armed conflict.

2.X.3: Duty to inform in advance.

2.X.3.1: The Committee is obliged to give advanced notice of changes. The committee shall give 45 days’ notice of any change of venue or time before the official completion of the change, which shall be published and sent to all members. The notice shall be made officially and delivered to the members in 3 days.

2.X.3.2: Members could have the right to disagree or cast inquires. The committee should respond to these inquiries in less than 7 days.

2.X.3.3: If more than two-thirds of the members of the General Assembly formally object to a change of time or venue using a signed e-mail, letter, etc., to the Committee in 30 days, the Committee’s proposal for a change of venue and time shall be deemed null and void, and the Committee may be deemed to be in a state of incapacity.

2.X.3.4: When announcing proposed changes, the Committee shall clearly and emphatically inform members of their right to make inquiries and objections to the proposed changes and provide clear channels for doing so. Formal objections received shall be counted, and the result of the count shall be announced in a separate official notice at the end of 30 days, whether the two-thirds limit has been reached.

2.X.4: The Committee shall inform the members of the potential change in time and place within the 120-day-earlier preferred range of the promised time. Any changes announced less than 120 days prior to the start of the promised Worldcon will be deemed to be an Incapacity of Committee.

2.X.5: The time of the change cannot be more than 120 days before or more than 120 days after the original time.

2.X.6: The location of the change cannot be more than 30 kilometres in a straight line from the original location.

2.X.7: Once such changes have been announced, the Committee must allow refunds for any type of membership. Unless the member has nominated or voted for the Hugo Award, WSFS members shall also be able to be refunded.

2.X.8: No additional fees or restrictions may be placed on the re-purchase of membership for members who have been refunded under 2.X.7.

2.X.9: Location and time changes can be made only once. A change to either the address or the time, or both, is considered a single change. A second change proposed by the Committee after the single change, for whatever reason, will be deemed to be an Incapacity of Committees.

2.X.10: Changes in time and place must be signaled in a clear and conspicuous manner on the official website of the current Worldcon, in newsletters and publications made available to the membership, and such notices may not be withdrawn before the end of the Congress.

2.X.11: The committee is obliged to state in the notification exactly what caused the adjustment and a clear response plan. Changes in the venue contract must be listed together with the new contract documents. If the negotiation of the contract details has not been completed at the time of announcing the change, it must be completed, and the complete contract documents provided within 30 working days.

Section 2.6: Incapacity of Committees.

2.6.1: The incapacity of a Worldcon committee could be defined as the following situations:

(1)   being unable to hold the Worldcon at the promised time and place without an adjustment under the rules in Article 2.X,

(2)   losing the committee members, which has led to the disability of the committee, or the existing members have no ability to running the committee,

(3)   other possible situations which led to the incapacity of the Committee

2.6.2: With sites being selected two (2) years in advance, there are at least two selected current or future Worldcon Committees at all times. If one of these should be unable to perform its duties, the other selected current or future Worldcon Committee shall determine what action to take, by consulting the Business Meeting or by mail poll of WSFS if there is sufficient time, or by decision of the Committee if there is not sufficient time. Where a site and Committee are chosen by a Business Meeting or Worldcon Committee pursuant to this section, they are not restricted by exclusion zone or other qualifications.

At the same time, the Chinese translation or the Chinese version should be amended by striking out and inserting words as follows:


第2条- 世界科幻大会组委会的权力和职责和权力



(1)        在承诺的时间和地点举办世界科幻大会;

(2)        管理雨果奖;

(3)        管理未来世界科幻大会或北美科幻大会选址;

(4)        召开事务会议;

(5)        履行其他其认为有必要的职责。


2.X.1: 世界科幻大会得在组委会承诺的时间和地点举行。


(1) 当地行政部门或地点提供方的命令或要求,且组委会无主观过错;

(2) 不可抗力:必须是不可预见、不可抗拒的外部事件,一般包括自然灾害,如飓风、龙卷风、地震和流行病,以及人为行为,如武装冲突。

2.X.3: 提前通知的义务。

2.X.3.1: 组委会有提前通知变更的义务。组委会须在正式完成地点或时间的变更的45天前发出通知,且应在3天内正式发布并送达全部会员。

2.X.3.2: 会员有权提出异议或询问。委员会应在收到询问的 7 天内答复。

2.X.3.3: 如果大会三分之二以上的会员通过有署名的电子邮件、信件等方式向组委会正式提出反对意见,组委会的地点和时间变更提议得视为无效,且可认为组委会无法履职。

2.X.3.4: 委员会在宣布拟议的变更通知时,应明确、清晰、有力地告知会员有权对修改建议提出质询和异议,并提供明确畅通的质询和异议渠道。收到的正式反对意见应进行统计,无论是否超过了会员总数的三分之二,统计结果都应在 30 天后以单独的正式通知形式宣布。

2.X.4: 委员会应在承诺时间的 120 天首选范围内通知成员可能更改的时间和地点。任何在承诺的世界大会开始前 120 天内宣布的变更将被视为委员会无法履职。

2.X.5: 更改的时间不能在原定的时间120天前或120天后。

2.X.6: 更改的地点距原地点的直线距离不能超过30公里。

2.X.7: 一旦宣布此类变更,委员会必须允许任何类型的会员退费。除非会员已对雨果奖进行提名或投票,否则 WSFS 会员也可退款。

2.X.8: 对于根据 2.X.7 条款退款的会员,在其重新购买会员资格时不得收取额外费用或设置任何限制。

2.X.9: 地点和时间只能更改一次。单独对地址或时间的变更,或两者同时的变更,均视为一次变更。无论出于何种原因,委员会在单次变更后提出的第二次变更将被视为委员会无法履职。

2.X.10: 时间和地点的变更必须在本届世界大会的官方网站、通讯和向会员提供的出版物中以明确和醒目的方式予以通知,且在大会结束前不得撤销此类通知。

2.X.11: 委员会有义务在通知中说明调整的确切原因和明确的应对计划。场地合同的变更必须与新的合同文件一起列出。如果在宣布变更时尚未完成合同细节的谈判,则必须在 30 个工作日内完成谈判并提供完整的合同文件。


2.6.1: 世界科幻大会组委会的无法履职可定义为以下情况:

(1) 无法在约定的时间和地点举办世界大会,且不能根据第 2.X 条的规定进行变更;

(2) 失去组委会成员导致委员会瘫痪,或现有成员没有能力管理委员会;

(3) 其他已经导致组委会无法履职的情形。

2.6.2: 由于大会举办地会提前两年进行选址投票,因此始终有两届大会组委会在筹备会议。如果其中一个组委会不能履行其职责,另一个大会组委会应确定应对方法:



Part 5 New procedure in Future Worldcon Selection

第五部分 世界科幻大会选址的新程序要求

Moved, To amend Article 4 – Future Worldcon Selection the WSFS Constitution to replace the current provisions of the powers and duties of Worldcon Committees by striking out and inserting words as follows:


Section 4.5: Tallying.

4.5.5:If a site wins, but the site does not have a corresponding bidding committee, it is treated as a ” None of the Above ” win.

4.5.56: If “None of the Above” wins, or if two or more bids are tied for first place at the end of tallying, the duty of site selection shall devolve on the Business Meeting of the current Worldcon. If the Business Meeting is unable to decide by the end of the Worldcon, the Committee for the following Worldcon shall make the selection without undue delay.

4.5.67: Where a site and Committee are chosen by a Business Meeting or Worldcon Committee following a win by “None of the Above,” they are not restricted by exclusion zone or other qualifications.

4.5.78: Where a site and Committee are chosen by a Business Meeting or Worldcon Committee following a tie in tallying, they must select one of the tied bids.

Section 4.6: Bid Eligibility.

4.6.1: A bidding committee should be an unincorporated society.

4.6.2: The bidding committee shall fully ensure its ability to bid for and hold the Worldcon and to fulfil its responsibilities.

4.6.3: To be eligible for site selection, a bidding committee must file the following documents with the Committee that will administer the voting:

(1) an announcement of intent to bid, which includes the intended date of the Worldcon, the exact address of the venue, the conditions of hosting and other necessary information;

(2) adequate evidence of an agreement with its proposed site’s facilities, such as a conditional contract or a letter of agreement;

(3) the rules under which the Worldcon Committee will operate, including a specification of the term of office of their chief executive officer or officers and the conditions and procedures for the selection and replacement of such officer or officers.

4.6.24: The bidding committee must supply written copies of these documents to any member of WSFS on request.

4.6.35: For a bid to be allowed on the printed ballot, the bidding committee must file the documents specified above no later than 180 days prior to the official opening of the administering convention.

4.6.56: To be eligible as a write-in, the bidding committee must file the documents specified above by the close of the voting.

4.6.67: If no bids meet these qualifications, the selection shall proceed as though “None of the Above” had won.

4.6.8: The committee of the current World Science Fiction Convention, which is responsible for administering the ballot, may not disqualify a bidding committee for any reason other than a violation of Articles 4.6, 4.7, or 4.9. The Business Meeting shall also not discuss and vote on the disqualification of any bidding committee for any reason other than violation of Articles 4.6, 4.7, or 4.9 of the World Science Fiction Association.

4.6.9: A site shall not qualify or become an official site without its corresponding bidding committee.

Section 4.7: Site Eligibility. A site shall be ineligible if it is within five hundred (500) miles or eight hundred (800) kilometers of the site at which selection occurs.

4.7.1: The site shall be in a position to host the Worldcon committed to by the bidding committee at the time the bidding committee submits the Bid Documents in Section 4.6.3.

If the conference venue used by the bidding committee has not yet completed construction or is not in a condition to host the Worldcon at the time of submission of the bidding documents, it shall reach the acceptance condition of being ready to host the convention or ready to set up the exhibition 75 days prior to the expected date of the Worldcon. The supporting documents shall be provided by the venue provider or the construction provider at the time of submission of the bidding documents, or the Bidding Venue shall fail to qualify;

4.7.2: A site shall not be located within five hundred (500) miles or eight hundred (800) kilometers of the site of the current Worldcon.

Section 4.9: Bid Discipline

4.9.1: The committee of the current Worldcon shall ensure that the bidding and counting of votes is fair and equitable and that it complies with the World Science Fiction Society Consitution and the laws and regulations of the place where the convention is to be held.

4.9.2: It is prohibited to sabotage the selection or obstruct the free voting of members for the site during the bidding period by means of violence, threats, deception, bribery, falsification of documents, or misrepresentation of the number of votes.

4.9.3: It is prohibited to disrupt the bidding committees’ presentations during the Worldcon by means of violence, threats, deception, bribery, falsification of document. The committee of the current Worldcon shall not create obstacles to the conduct of and participation in the ppresentations.

4.9.4: In the event of a violation of section 4.9, where the facts are clearly established, resulting in the selection of a site not being able to proceed, the selection of a site being invalid, or the results being untrue, the bidding committee involved shall be disqualified by the business meeting of the current Worldcon.

4.9.5: If conditions for a re-election exist, a re-election shall first be organized and managed by the committee of the current Worldcon in the event that the counting of votes is disrupted by a violation of section 4.9. If conditions for a re-election do not exist, the duty of site selection shall devolve on the Business Meeting of the current Worldcon. If the Business Meeting is unable to decide by the end of the Worldcon, the Committee for the following Worldcon shall make the selection without undue delay.

Section 4.10: No Site Selection

4.10.1: “No Site Selection” shall be considered only in the following cases:

(1) There is no eligible bidding committee for the members to vote on;

(2) “None of the above” wins the site selection ballot;

(3) The Site Ballot is spoiled in violation of Section 4.9 and there is no eligible bidding Committee;

4.10.2: In the event of a situation under subsection 4.10.1, the duty of site selection shall devolve on the Business Meeting of the current Worldcon. If the Business Meeting is unable to decide by the end of the Worldcon, the Committee for the following Worldcon shall make the selection without undue delay.

4.10.3: The Business Meeting of the current Worldcon and the Committee for the following Worldcon shall make the selection in the following order with full consideration:

(1) Selection of the site of the next Worldcon;

(2) Selection of the site of the current Worldcon;

(3) The site the Bidding Committee now eligible but not in the year of site selection;

(4) Sites that have hosted a World Science Fiction Convention in the past five years and whose committees are still in operation;

(4) Do not host a World Science Fiction Convention, i.e., “no site”.

At the same time, the Chinese translation or the Chinese version should be amended by striking out and inserting words as follows:

































(1) 没有具备资格的申办委员会供会员投票;










Part 6 Newsletter and Progress Report


Moved, To amend Article 2 – Powers and Duties of Worldcon Committees the WSFS Constitution to replace the current provisions of the powers and duties of Worldcon Committees by striking out and inserting words as follows:


Article 2 – Powers and Duties of Worldcon Committees

Section 2.Y: Newsletter, publication and progress report.

2.Y.1: In order to promote the brand and the transparency of Worldcon and the Hugo Award, a Worldcon committee shall make the necessary newsletter and progress report.

2.Y.2: Progress report is a pattern to deliver the information of a Worldcon.

2.Y.2.1: In order to make the members learn the progress of a Worldcon, the committee shall have the responsibility to write and deliver the progress reports.

2.Y.2.2: Progress report shall be made and delivered at least each season (each four months).

2.Y.2.3: Progress report shall not ask members for additional fees for its writing.

2.Y.2.4: Worldcon must offer the option to receive a paper progress report regardless of that member’s selection for other publications. Should they choose to include other material (such as an addressed envelope and stamp or International Reply Coupon), they may charge a reasonable fee for such materials.

2.Y.2.5: Progress reports shall include the following contents:

(1) Introductions of the current Worldcon, its date and site;

(2) Necessary help and instructions on traveling documents for foreign members;

(3) Fees and payment method for memberships;

(4) Deadlines and instructions for Hugo Award, business meeting and site slection;

(5) Instructions on volunteer service;

(6) Constitution of the World Science Fiction Society;

(7) Contact details with the committee, including at least the email address, phone number and mailing address;

(8) Other necessary messages considered by the committee.

2.Y.2.6: Each progress report shall reserve space or pages for future Worldcons and bidding committees to help their promotion. The promotion shall be free and the future committees and bidding committees shall not be charged.

At the same time, the Chinese translation or the Chinese version should be amended by striking out and inserting words as follows:


第 2.Y 节:通讯、出版物与进度报告。

2.Y.1: 为提升世界科幻大会和雨果奖的品牌知名度和透明度,世界科幻大会z组委会应制作必要的新闻通讯和进展报告。

2.Y.2: 进展报告是传递世界大会信息的一种模式。

2.Y.2.1: 为了让会员了解世界科幻大会的进展情况,组委会有责任撰写并递送进展报告。

2.Y.2.2: 应至少每季度(每四个月)撰写和递送一次进展报告。

2.Y.2.3: 进度报告的撰写不得要求会员支付额外费用。

2.Y.2.4: 无论会员是否选择其他出版物,必须提供接收纸质进展报告的选择。如果会员选择附带其他材料(如带地址的信封和邮票或国际回执券),可以对这些材料收取合理的费用。

2.Y.2.5: 进展报告应包括以下内容:

(1) 介绍本届世界大会及其日期和地点;

(2) 对外国会员旅行证件的必要帮助说明;

(3) 会员费及支付方式;

(4) 雨果奖、商务会议和会址选择的截止日期和说明;

(5) 志愿者服务说明;

(6) 世界科幻协会章程;

(7) 与委员会的联系方式,至少包括电子邮件地址、电话号码和通信地址;

(8) 委员会认为必要的其他信息。


Part 7: Fairness in the Hugo Awards


Moved, To amend Section 3.13: Exclusions. the WSFS Constitution to replace the current provisions of the powers and duties of Worldcon Committees by striking out and inserting words as follows:


Section 3.13: Exclusions.

3.13.1: No member of the current Worldcon Committee or any publications closely connected with a member of the Committee shall be eligible for an Award. However, should the Committee delegate all authority under this Article to a Subcommittee whose decisions are irrevocable by the Worldcon Committee, then this exclusion shall apply to members of the Subcommittee only.

3.13.2: The closely connection includes:

(1)   The author is a close relative of one or more members of the Committee, i.e. a direct blood relative and a collateral relative up to the third degree of consanguinity.

(2)   The author has close social ties with one or more members of the Committee in the field of publication, including the fact that a member of the Committee is the author or editor-in-charge of the work under consideration, the principal person in charge of the organisation in which the work under consideration is published or distributed, or the editor-in-chief of the library or series to which the work under consideration belongs;

(3)   Other relationships that can be substantiated by sufficient information

3.13.3:  Works, authors and the Committee should actively recuse themselves. The nomination shall be deleted.

At the same time, the Chinese translation or the Chinese version should be amended by striking out and inserting words as follows:



3.13.1: 本届世界科幻大会组委会的任何成员,或与组委会成员有密切联系的任何出版物均无权获奖。但是,如果组委会将本条规定的所有权力委托给一个小组委员会,且该小组委员会的决定世界科幻大会组委会不可撤销,则该排除仅适用于小组委员会成员。


(1) 作者是委员会一位或多位委员的近亲,即直系血亲和三代以内旁系血亲。

(2) 作者与委员会的一名或多名成员在出版领域有密切的社会关系,包括委员会的一名成员是所审议作品的作者或责任编辑、所审议作品出版或发行机构的主要负责人或所审议作品所属图书馆或丛书的主编;

(3) 有充分信息证明的其他关系。


Part 8: The Chengdu Worldcon Brand Promotion Centre


WHEREAS the Chengdu Worldcon Brand Promotion Centre (CWBPC) was established by the Chengdu Worldcon Committee; and

WHEREAS the Chengdu Worldcon Brand Promotion Centre held the foundation ceremony during the closing ceremony of the Chengdu Worldcon; and

WHEREAS CWBPC declared that it was agreed by the members of the Brand Protection Committee in Chengdu; and

WHEREAS according to the minutes of the Brand Protection Committee, there was no discussion on the necessity and feasibility of the establishment of the CWBPC, the purpose of its establishment, the scope of its work, the composition of its personnel, etc., and no guiding opinions or resolutions were made; and

WHEREAS the constitution does not stipulate that the terms of reference of the organising committee of a World Science Fiction Convention include the establishment of a branding centre or similar body; and

WHEREAS there is little historical precedent for the establishment of a branding centre or similar body; and

WHEREAS CWBPC only declared its purpose of “promoting the brand of the Worldcon” via some media, without an official announcement which included its purpose, rules, members and so on; and

WHEREAS the name of CWBPC caused doubts on intellectual property and its relationship with the WSFS for it didn’t clarify its “promotion” on whether Chengdu Worldcon or the total Worldcons;


Chengdu Worldcon committee shall send a member to attend the business meeting in Glasgow2024 and Seattle2025 to explain and answer the questions about CWBPC, and the member shall clarify its purpose, work, members and finanical records; and

Chengdu Worldcon shall prove the CWBPC is still running by an official announcement in no more than 15 days, which includes the finanical records, activity records and its necessity of the CWBPC; and

BPC shall discuss, evaluate and vote on the relationship of WSFS, BPC and Hugo Award with CWBPC during its next meeting; and

BPC shall clarify its support on CWBPC after its next meeting, especially explaining “the CWBPC has been approved by the members of BPC in Chengdu”; and

Business meeting shall set up an individual committee to clarify the facts of CWBPC, the requirements of the individual committee (IC) are as follows:

(1)   There shall be at least three members in the IC, and only one member could be invited from the Chengdu Worldcon committee, only one member could be invited from the BPC ;

(2)   IC shall make an investigation report in no more than 90 days, which includes the process of the founding of the CWBPC, its activities, its financial records and its relationship with Chengdu Worldcon, Worldcon, WSFS, and BPC;

(3)   IC need to give its independent advice on the development of the CWBPC;

(4)   Other work if IC agrees its necessity













品牌保护委员会得在下次会议上讨论、评估和表决 WSFS、BPC、雨果奖与 CWBPC 的关系;

品牌保护委员会得在下次会议后澄清其对 CWBPC 的支持,特别是要说明 “CWBPC 已得到在成都的品牌保护委员会成员的批准”;


(1)    委员会至少有三名成员,且成都世界科幻大会组委会和品牌保护委员会最多仅能有一人参加;

(2)    委员会应在不超过90天的时间内作出调查报告,内容包括世界科幻大会(成都)品牌推广中心的成立过程、活动情况、财务记录以及其与成都世界科幻大会、世界科幻大会、世界科幻协会、品牌保护委员会的关系;

(3)    对CWBPC的发展提出独立意见;

(4)    该委员会认为有必要的其他工作。

Part 9: Translation and Multi-language


WHEREAS The only existing valid text of this constitution is its English version, the only existing working language in Business Meeting is English; and

WHEREAS the World Science Fiction Convention 2023 is already being held in Chengdu, China; and

WHEREAS the Chengdu Worldcon Brand Promotion Centre (CWBPC) was announced in 2023 Worldcon; and

WHEREAS CWBPC was announced as an institution which works on the promotion of Worldcon in Asia with the use of non-English languages; and

WHEREAS Chinese was widely used in the activities and the business meeting in 2023 Worldcon; and

WHEREAS A Chinese translation was finished in the 2023 Worldcon by the staff of the Chengdu Committee and widely quoted in the 2023 business meeting; and

WHEREAS Chinese works have been nominated and awarded in the former Hugo Awards; and

WHEREAS There are already non-English-speaking countries bidding for and hosting World Science Fiction Conventions; and

WHEREAS the Constitution could be regarded as the basis of the Worldcon and the Hugo Award;


On the basis of the translation of the Chengdu Worldcon, CWBPC shall translate the constitution within 180 days and submit it to the business meeting in Seattle2025 as a proposal;

CWBPC shall send a member to the business meeting in Seattle2025 to explain and answer the questions on the translation;

If CWBPC doesn’t have the ability to work on the translation, the business meeting can set up a committee with at least 3 Chinese members to work on the translation, the requirements shall be equal to CWBPC, but the deadline could be extended.


本《章程》现有的唯一有效文本是英文版,商务会议中现有的唯一工作语言是英文;2023 年世界科幻大会已在中国成都举行;

世界科幻大会品牌推广中心(成都)(CWBPC)已在2023 年世界科幻大会上宣布成立,作为在亚洲使用非英语语言推广世界科幻大会的机构;










Explanation of the Short title and the series proposals:



现在我们真的遇到了来自新世界的科幻大会,必须行动起来了。 本提案下一系列的动议首先发轫于这样的思考,并设法检视了以往世界科幻大会的经验。


The proposal used to have an offensive title. It has now been changed.

From the New World is a science fiction novel by Japanese sci-fi author Yusuke Kishi, and one of my favourites.

Now that we’ve encountered a From the New World sci-fi convention, action must be taken. The series of motions under this proposal first originated from such a reflection and sought to review the experience of previous World Science Fiction Conventions.

Hopefully, the World Science Fiction Convention will be better, much better.

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19 thoughts on ““From The New World” Proposal Series: Including Membership, Business Meeting, Finance, Site Selection, Responsibility, Hugo Awards, Translation, and So On, by Zimozi Natsuco

  1. seems to me to have contradictory language, in that the first part of the sentence gives the right to vote in the current and the following year (and nominate) but the second part gives the right to vote only in the current year. I suggest the first part of the sentence refer only to the right to nominate.

  2. Regarding “going global” – I very much want there to be a Worldcon in regions that have never hosted one. However, there are countries that I very firmly disagree should host an international convention.

    There are many countries where the safety of LGBTQ+ persons is compromised, where conferences have explicitly banned panels or lectures with LGBTQ+ topics, and where people with HIV are banned from entry or from carrying their necessary medication.

    Any country where attendees cannot safely be themselves is not a country where a Worldcon should be held. That this eliminates a number of countries is unfortunate, but that is the fault of local policies, and not the Worldcon community not wishing to “go global.”

  3. This is wildly long, and requires equally lengthy return comments, but I’m impressed by the ambition.

    Worldcon change tends to be incremental. Persuading people that the WSFS Constitution needs so many many many many many changes, all of a sudden, is not a task I’d care to undertake, myself.

    Heck, persuading me would be quite a task, as well. I hardly know where to even start with such an incredibly long proposal.

    “right to apply for financial openness, receive financial reports and cast doubts”

    The right to “cast doubts”? What on earth does this mean?

    WSFS memberships held by natural persons may not be transferred, except that, in case of death of a natural person holding a WSFS membership, it may be transferred to the estate of the decedent.

    Okay, we want to change this, why? the right to attend the business meeting, submit non-privileged new business reports and agenda items, vote for business reports and other reports;

    When did attendees ever not have the right to attend the business meeting, submit motions, etc.? What’s broken that needs to be fixed?

    The rights of WSFS members who have an attending supplement of a Worldcon

    I don’t know what an “attending supplement” is. What does this phrase mean?

    Sources of funding could include membership fees, financial or other forms of sponsorship from governments, corporations or other organizations, donations from members in the name of individual natural persons, and pass-through funds under the current system.

    Alternatively, we might want to ban sponsorships entirely, on grounds that: a) we don’t need them; b) sponsorships, once accepted, mean sponsors will inevitably have requests/demands, which are apt to warp the focus of the convention away from the membership; c) sponsorships are too likely to create opportunities for corruption.

    4.9.2: It is prohibited to sabotage the selection or obstruct the free voting of members for the site during the bidding period by means of violence, threats, deception, bribery, falsification of documents, or misrepresentation of the number of votes.

    4.9.3: It is prohibited to disrupt the bidding committees’ presentations during the Worldcon by means of violence, threats, deception, bribery, falsification of document. The committee of the current Worldcon shall not create obstacles to the conduct of and participation in the ppresentations.

    Have any of these things ever happened, that we suddenly, after fifty years, now need to clarify these things? We could also prohibit kidnapping or murder of bid committee members, but is this a problem that needs to be fixed by the WSFS Constitution?

    4.6.1: A bidding committee should be an unincorporated society.

    What’s wrong with being an incorporated non-profit?

    Basically, it looks to me as if this document couldn’t possibly be broken up into voteable portions by the Business Meeting and couldn’t possibly be considered as a whole, and would of necessity have to be referred to a committee created to report on the proposal, and this proposal is such a drastic and wholesale revision that it seems unlikely a committee could get through such an ambitious proposal and produce a document that would satisfy a business meeting. I’m inclined to see the idea of such a lengthy proposal as simply not workable. How many people have the time to go through it, sentence by sentence, let alone debate and discuss it all?

    Perhaps I’m overly pessimistic, or this may seem longer to me right now than it truly is.

    Any country where attendees cannot safely be themselves is not a country where a Worldcon should be held. That this eliminates a number of countries is unfortunate, but that is the fault of local policies, and not the Worldcon community not wishing to “go global.”

    I 100% agree.

  4. Let’s see, a country that is hostile to Quiltbag+ is…the United States!

    I understand how hard it is to write a policy such that it excludes and includes the “right” countries, so best of continuing luck.

  5. It’s purely as much a case for local provinces/states/governments as it is larger ones. Or should be.

    U.S. States, for example, that don’t guarantee in law human rights, should no more be allowed to bid for Worldcons than anywhere else. If people want to write a revision to the WSFS Constitution that would include preventing the U.S., or somewhere inside the U.S., from bidding, it’s certainly 100% fine with me, at least.

    Who is it that is trying to write a Constitutional provision that says otherwise? Where is that being debated? What proposal, from where and who?

    I suppose I shouldn’t ask who “kate” is.

  6. I suppose I shouldn’t ask who “kate” is.

    Given you were able to unreservedly endorse another commenter without first stopping to ask “who is Meredith?”, no, you probably shouldn’t have asked who Kate is.

    It is some 30 years too late to begin complaining about anonymous commentary on the Internet. Bringing it up doesn’t make Kate or bill look bad; it makes you look bad – at least from where I’m sitting.

  7. The suggestion that every bid committee be an unincorporated society is great.

    Though it is argued that corporations provide necessary protections. But limit them. You could require that a corporation have transparent governance with community participation. Maybe a strict dissolution clause so that they run a single con and dissolve upon settling its debts.

    Ditto for nonprofits.

    A future China bid should be very different than Chengdu. I still think that a China bid organization along the above lines could be incorporated in a special economic zone.

  8. @Brian Z: I don’t understand the desire to require that a nonprofit that runs a Worldcon dissolve after running a single convention.

    Among the organizations that have run multiple Worldcons each are San Francisco Science Fiction Conventions, Inc.; the Southern California Institute for Fan Interest (SCIFI); and Massachusetts Convention Fandom, Inc. All three of these organizations have also run other non-Worldcon conventions as well.

    I wasn’t aware previously of any desire to discourage such organizations from organizing Worldcons just because they are ongoing organizations that also sponsor other conventions.

  9. Brian Z on July 9, 2024 at 6:58 am said:

    The suggestion that every bid committee be an unincorporated society is great.

    It is also a great way to insure than anyone with two brain cells to rub together will never bid for a Worldcon again. Would you join an organization that had the potential to make you personally liable for millions of dollars of liability?

  10. @Gary Farber:
    I feel that your suggestion and doubts need more reply to discuss. So i want to start with the first part.
    I have to say that this proposal will face many doubts on its language and words. I am so sorry because I do not speak English and I have to translate my thoughts, which means that it must lead to confusion due to cultural bias. Thus I think your confusion on “The right to “cast doubts”? What on earth does this mean?” needs my detailed explanation.
    I have to say that this”cast doubts” started with my emails to Chengdu Worldcon committee. I tried to inquiry the time when I can get the finacial reports. But I didn’t receive any useful reply until I sent my emails for many times and ask my friends to help me. The committee only informed me that the official report will be sent to the business meeting.
    So “send to the business meeting” means that the members only can see it without learning more details. Even some committees will only upload the documents without making sure that the reports are accurate. No we needs “questions”.
    And this leads to another problem. I DO AGREE YOUR FOLLOWING ADVICE:

    this proposal is such a drastic and wholesale revision that it seems unlikely a committee could get through such an ambitious proposal and produce a document that would satisfy a business meeting. I’m inclined to see the idea of such a lengthy proposal as simply not workable. How many people have the time to go through it, sentence by sentence, let alone debate and discuss it all?

    I started the fire but I could not control it. I wonder if we can add another proposal to ask for a committee to contiune the sdiscussion and correction on this proposal. I think the work can start with inviting more English-speaking members to polish the sentences.

  11. It is some 30 years too late to begin complaining about anonymous commentary on the Internet.

    You’re confusing pseudonymity with anonymity.

    Mike tells me, if I haven’t confused it, that he tracks people by email addresses, so there’s no danger of multiple people with the same single name posting, which is good enough for me. I just like knowing whether or not I’m talking to the same person from one conversation to the next, and that’s all. Pseudonyms have been used in fandom since Pogo and Tigrina and so on in the 1930s.

    Having ten different people posting with the identical name, on the other hand, doesn’t work so well.

  12. The suggestion that every bid committee be an unincorporated society is great.

    Not really, no. There’s a reason incorporating exists. Without it, as Kevin notes, every member of a bid committee would be responsible in court for any, possibly every, possible debt a committee might create.

    Who wants to be on a bid committee when you might wind up needing to personally pay out $20,000.00? Or even a lesser sum?

    wonder if we can add another proposal to ask for a committee to contiune the sdiscussion and correction on this proposal. I think the work can start with inviting more English-speaking members to polish the sentences.

    Bringing this proposal to the Glasgow bid meeting would, assuming it’s not just tossed out, inevitably be referred to a committee of people volunteering from the meeting.

    But even then, I’ve served on a number of such committees over the decades and they’ve been known to get hung up on spending a year debating a handful of paragraphs, or even a few sentences, and having to come back to the next year’s meeting to ask for another year of consideration in committee. And sometimes another year and another year.

    Online Worldcon business meeting subcommittees tend to be very active immediately following the convention, and then die down for months until the convention is only a couple of months away, and then discussion starts up again, often having to rush to try to reach a conclusion in time.

    A proposal this size? Jeez, it could take decades to get through a sucker this long. Hopefully not, but I suggest bearing in mind the difficulties of trying to pass such an enormous and radical transformation of either the WSFS Constitution or the Worldcon in general.

  13. In terms of making it harder for WSFS to effectively serve the interests of all of its members, there’s not such a difference as one might wish to think between the opaque dealing and influencing of entities like a provincial science association and media group from China and of nonprofits in North America run by insiders who dominate committees and decision making processes, reach backroom deals, raise barriers, and evade scrutiny.

  14. The traditional anarchy of WSFS governance is why it has been so tough and resilient. If one accepts the argument (as I did in my initial comment above) that the Society is forced for legal reasons to rely on corporate entities to control its conventions, it does not follow that the Society should not impose strict limits on what their structures and missions can be. “Run one con and then dissolve” is an appropriate place to start. Worldcons are supposed to be run by their members, working as volunteers, not by entrenched interests.

  15. a provincial science association and media group from China and of nonprofits in North America run by insiders

    I used to quote the definition of WSFS ” an unincorporated society” to address the meaning of committee. It seems that it is not a good definition. What else can we choose?
    I start this with the start of Chengdu Science Fiction Association. Some committee members and their staff said that CSFA is necessary for the worldcon because the WSFS constitution asked for an independent NGO bidding for the worldcon instead of a provincial science association, which means Chengdu Association of Science and Technology(Chengdushi Kexuejishu Xiehui). But I did not find this kind of article in the consitituion.
    So it seems that we need to explain why there should be a committee for the worldcon and what the relationship between the committee and its possible founders and controllers is.

  16. A proposal this size?

    Yes Yes Yes.
    I do know that a normal proposal should not be too long. But you see, Journey Planet wants one proposal instead of a doze of proposals so I combine them.
    And this kind of length can be a headline.( Maybe it will surprise everyone in the Worldcon and set up a new record.
    We all know it is really difficult to ” pass such an enormous and radical transformation”. It is a revolution instead of a reform. But just catch a glimpse of the business meeting this year and you will find everyone wants certain kind of reform. And the agenda is historically long, isn’t it?
    So maybe we can be open to more proposals in the worldcon. As long as the committee members were welcom to innovation, transfromation in Smofcon, we could bring them transformation.

  17. WSFS is an unincorporated society; however, most Worldcon committees are incorporated entities. In the USA, they are usually non-profit corporations. Other countries have different corporate forms, so I cannot speak about their exact corporate organizational matters. The reason that a Worldcon committee usually is a corporate entity is due to the immense amount of liability involved with running an event like a Worldcon.

    Restricting Worldcon bids to be unincorporated almost certainly would lead to nobody being willing to bid. Nobody that I know wants to lose their home due to a convention failing. Even the Westercon that I chaired in 2022 was part of SFSFC Inc. a non-profit corporation, even though the stakes were much smaller. I did not want to lose my home due to someone suing us for any reason.

  18. @Zimozi Natsuco: Maybe instead of “unincorporated” you want to say “not for profit”.

  19. the right to attend the business meeting, submit non-privileged new business reports and agenda items, vote for business reports and other reports;
    When did attendees ever not have the right to attend the business meeting, submit motions, etc.? What’s broken that needs to be fixed?

    @Gary Farber
    What’s broken? Oh, that’s really a difficult question. We always hold the belief that everything has been recognized by the members and fandom, but it might be better to write them down to keep them in mind again.
    You see, for a commercial convention, you cannot expect for a business meeting to told the staff and the committee what is good and what is bad. Worldcon is based on fandom instead of giants so it can seek for advice from its members. To keep the basis, clarification on the rights might better.

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