Funding A Convention Odyssey

Petréa Mitchell’s ambition is to spend a year video-blogging science fiction conventions throughout the world. That won’t be cheap. (Actually, it will be quite expensive.) Will fandom chip in and help realize her dream? It never hurts to ask. That’s why she’s launched an Indiegogo appeal for $191,000

Her fannish credentials cover a whole spectrum – including gaming, costuming, filking, huckstering and blogging (see her weekly streaming anime discussions at the Amazing Stories blog).

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3 thoughts on “Funding A Convention Odyssey

  1. Her fannish credentials include helping her mother bake cookies for apa collations when she was about 5 or so. They were crunchy cookies, because she put bits of eggshell in them. I don’t know if she remembers this, but I do.

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