Future Worldcon/NASFiC Bids

It’s a good idea to compile this info and put it someplace I can find it again:

Seated Worldcons


Anticipation, Montreal (http://www.anticipationsf.ca/English/Home)


Aussiecon 4, Melbourne (http://www.aussiecon4.org.au/)

Bids for future WSFS Conventions

2010 NASFiC

Raleigh, NC


Seattle (http://seattlein2011.org/)
Reno (http://www.rcfi.org/)


Chicago http://www.chicagoin2012.org/


Texas (Maybe) (Bid website under construction http://www.texas2013.org/) (They’re said to be investigating Ft. Worth, Houston and San Antonio.)

Zagreb (Maybe) (See Cheryl Morgan’s blog http://www.cheryl-morgan.com/?p=1560) (Colin Harris has speculated Zagreb may move to a later year than 2013, following the next UK/NL Worldcon.)

2014 or 2015

UK or the Netherlands (Ansible quoted James Bacon saying that three UK facilities are pursuing the con, and there are also three prospective Netherlands sites.)

2015 or 2016

San Diego (See Kevin Standlee’s post: http://kevin-standlee.livejournal.com/446909.html. Last December, Jim Briggs posted that 2015 was “penciled in.”) (Val Ontell has said she is looking into the possibility of hosting a World Fantasy Con as the stepping stone to a Worldcon bid.)

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