Garcia Crowdsources “5 Cons”

Chris Garcia and Linda Wenzelburger are appealing to the internet to fund their new project, 5 Cons – A Fandom Documentary Series.

They hope to present the world of sf fandom through the lens of five conventions in the US and Great Britain — the Nova Albion Steampunk Exhibition, ConQuest in Kansas City (where Chris will be a Guest of Honor), Westercon 66, LoneStarCon 3 (the Worldcon, in San Antonio) and the World Fantasy Convention in Brighton.

How much lucre do they need?

We’re estimating that our costs will be somewhere between 5 and 7 grand, but we’ve got to have our own skin in the game, no? So we’re settin’ our goal at 3500 dollars to cover some travel, a couple of equipment upgrades, random things you never expect like shipping fees for photos, burgers for those nights you get yourself stuck on the road at 2am, and most importantly, gallons and gallons of Pibb Xtra for Chris while he’s editing.

Helmer Chris Garcia (I’ve always wanted to use that word) and producer Wenzelburger are taking pledges through Indiegogo. They promise to add especially generous donors to the credits as either an Associate Producer ($100), Assist. Producer ($500), or Exec. Producer ($1,000).

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