Getting Better on August 9

Got to check with a short post. Infection is much0 much better. My Kindle typo rate is still about 79% so I must leave things as that for today. Thanks for your fantastic care ane suppo.

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175 thoughts on “Getting Better on August 9

  1. Oh, good! You’re feeling much better now, I hope. [kicks pizza box back under sofa]

  2. Get well soon Mike.

    Apparently the lawn might recover, given time. It’s only a rude word in Noldorin.

  3. Charon D.: Yay Mike! Glad the doctors were able to inject you with miniature Raquel Welches in time.


    I am betting that the number of people here who got that reference is about 5 million percent higher than on 95% of other Internet forums. 😀

  4. So glad you are feeling better! Please let yourself heal completely! Sending good wishes out to you!

  5. Anyone who has tried to type with a kindle can confirm that a 79% typo rate probably still puts you in the top 10% of typists on that dread keyboard – be proud. Best of luck vanquishing the rest of that infection!

  6. The lurkers support you in the forum. Very happy to hear that you’re feeling better!

  7. You’re an important person in the field and a good friend, Mike. I’m sorry you became so ill, and I hope your recovery will be comfortable and swift.

  8. Get well soon, Mike. Hate to think of you feeling poorly. But on a purely selfish level, I miss your posts.

  9. You know the old saying–when the cat’s away, the mice will talk quietly amongst themselves.

  10. (comment in moderation because typo’d my own e-mail writing my get well wishes. Which is the inevitable fate of teasing someone else about typos)

  11. Great to hear you’re recovering, Mike. Don’t endanger your health by rushing back too early. I’m sure the Filers won’t be decamping en masse to VD’s comments section anytime soon.

  12. Welcome back. Glad you’re feeling better.

    (hastily kicks a couch under a giant pile of pizza boxes)

  13. Delighted to hear that you are on the mend. We will miss you at Worldcon. I hope that by next week you’ll be in a position to where the video of the WSFS Business Meeting we’ll be posting will give you grist for the news mill.

  14. Great to hear from you! Hope you’re at 100% (health-wise, not typo rate) very soon.

  15. Good to hear from you, Mike. The radio silence was getting a bit worrying.

    Rest up and take all the time you need to get better. We’ll just build up a cache of extra pixels and scrolls for you when you return.

  16. Whew. Glad you’re feeling better, Mike. Hope your health increases even faster than your typo rate decreases.

    (makes note to bring trash bags)

  17. Glad to hear you’re trending in the right direction! Are you typing on an early Kindle with a built-in keyboard? Those are the worst, and I even have relatively small fingers! Sending good thoughts your way!

  18. Thanks for taking the time to tell us how you’re doing, and I hope your recovery continues rapidly.

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