
Cat Rambo dropped the ultimate File 770 in-reference — good going!

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13 thoughts on “Godstalk!

  1. Wouldn’t it only be the ultimate File 770 reference if Cat’s SJW credential had caught a nap on her?

  2. If we’re going that direction, there should be a “Fifth” in there somewhere too.

  3. Cat and the Giant of Godstalk? That doesn’t quite work, but let the record show I made the effort, feeble though it may be.

    Second fifth same as the first.

  4. (8) Since I am not in San Jose watching Mike get all of his awards and free beers I will be attending the Estate Sale.

  5. Worldcon’s lucky to have P.C. Hodgell (on loan; Wisconsin wants her back as soon as you’re through with her).

  6. I saw Pat Hodgell at the con today, and followed her around for about a minute until I realised that I was never going to get up the nerve to go talk to her and tell her how many times I read Godstalk as a teen and how much time I spent hunting for the sequels in used bookstores. And then realised that following her was probably creepy, and then went to a panel.

  7. Muccamukk – if you see her and I in the same place, sidle up to me and let me know who you are and I will do my best to introduce you.

  8. Cat (“if you see her and I in the same place, sidle up to me and let me know who you are and I will do my best to introduce you.”) — I know you know better, but that should be “if you see her and me…”
    I blame teachers for this kind of misuse of “I” — they hammered away at the misuse of “me” too hard!

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