Goodreads Deletes Vox Day, Rabid Puppies

Vox Day reports on Vox Popoli that Goodreads deleted his account and also the Rabid Puppies Group just 36 hours after he set them up.

He received this message from Goodreads:

Hello Vox,

Your account was recently brought to our attention. Upon review, we have decided to remove it from the site. A CSV of the books you shelved is attached for your personal records. You are banned from using Goodreads in any capacity going forward.

The Goodreads Team

I checked Goodreads, and both accounts are gone. (There remains an older Vox Day account, where all the entries were made in 2009.)

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357 thoughts on “Goodreads Deletes Vox Day, Rabid Puppies

  1. I don’t normally earworm, but “Let’s Dance” keeps playing in my head and I’m kind of choking up.

    Because my love for you
    Would break my heart in two …

  2. Can you explain?

    I hate to speak for others, but I don’t think they think you are being civil. But, y’know. We could be heroes.

  3. I’ve been feeling surprised by how deeply, personally sad I feel about Bowie’s death. I think this is the first time a rock star or celebrity’s death has hit me this way.

    To misquote something I read earlier, he was lifesaving for a whole lot of people who grew up feeling like they were aliens.

  4. I keep feeling it’s too soon after Freddie Mercury. I suspect I’ll still be feeling that way 20 years from now, only then it’ll be “It’s too soon after Bowie and Freddie Mercury.”

    Someone posted a picture to Facebook that kind of wrecked me. It was a picture of Bowie as though he were the Little Prince, standing on his asteroid, and saying that “I fell to Earth once, but I am back now.”

  5. Nicole J. LeBoeuf-Little: Someone posted a picture to Facebook that kind of wrecked me. It was a picture of Bowie as though he were the Little Prince, standing on his asteroid, and saying that “I fell to Earth once, but I am back now.”

    That image is here.

    Here’s another neat one.

  6. Pingback: Fact-Checking for Dummies. And Breitbart.

  7. Pingback: Puppies, Redux

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