Green in Air Collision Trailer

In this still from Air Collision, Ed is in the center rear, obscured by haze.

If you’re an airliner passenger in a movie titled Air Collision, count on a rocky ride. And Ed Green pitches and yaws with the best of them in the action movie’s new trailer.

When a solar storm wipes out the air traffic control system, Air Force One and a passenger jet liner are locked on a collision course in the skies above the midwest. Hint: Ed isn’t on Air Force One.

Ed Green appears for a split second a couple of times in the trailer [YouTube] — roughly :20 and :24.

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One thought on “Green in Air Collision Trailer

  1. But that movie cannot be real. The trailer says it’s from the production company The Asylum–and it’s NOT a knockoff of a big studio movie! this is the company that made 30,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA, I AM OMEGA and THE DAY THE EARTH STOPPED.

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