Helsinki Wins 2017 Site Selection Vote

The 2017 Worldcon will be in Helsinki, Finland. According to Kevin Standlee, who participated in the ballot count as a member of the Montreal bid, the unofficial tally went as follows:

Helsinki     1,363
DC               828
Montreal      228
Nippon        120

The total number of votes was 2,624 (which includes write-ins and no preference). The number of ballots expressing a preference was 2,605. Therefore 1,303 votes were needed to attain a first-round majority, which Helsinki achieved.

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113 thoughts on “Helsinki Wins 2017 Site Selection Vote

  1. Congrats to Helsinki! As it’s Worldcon 75, what’s the plan for the Quarter Quell?

  2. This removes Finland from the list of countries which have had formal bids for Worldcons but never been awarded a Worldcon.

    Still on the list:
    Denmark (Copenhagen bid in 1981 for 1983)
    Croatia (Zagreb bid in 1990 for 1993, and 1996 for 1999; see below)
    Mexico (Cancun bid in 2000 for 2003)
    China (Beijing bid last year for 2017)

    Honorable mention:
    Yugoslavia (when Zagreb bid in 1990, Croatia was still part of Yugoslavia, but it seceded in 1991)

  3. A couple of nitpicks and clarifications.

    Yes, technically, Finland is not a part of Scandinavia. However, in English-speaking countries, Scandinavia pretty much seems to be used as a synonym for the Nordic countries, anyway.

    It’s the city of Helsinki, not the Finnish government, that’s offering free public transport to con attendees, and only within the city, of course.

    Tampere more beautiful than Helsinki? All in the eye of the beholder, of course… but in my view, while Tampere is a perfectly nice town, and well worth visiting (I often do), there’s just a much wider variety of architecture in Helsinki; great sea views because of the undulating coastline and all those islands; many beautiful parks, small and large; a handsome cathedral on a beautiful Empire-style square (no, not THAT Empire; the Russian one); etc.

    About that gun thing: I’m a native of Helsinki, and a few years ago, _I_ was suprised to hear the statistic that Finland is near the top of the world in the number of guns per capita. At least here in Helsinki, apart from the few military installations, guns are an almost non-existent part of daily life, and I struggle to remember the last time I even heard a conversation about guns. Apart from an unfortunate spate of about three American-style school shootings in this millennium, which have prompted a tightening of gun-control laws, there really have been few problems with guns in this country, at least post-WW2.

    In any case, getting the Worldcon is great news. Thank you to all the voters who trusted the Finnish fandom with the responsibility.

  4. Andrew M at 11:02:

    Sorry; just got back to the room and my computer while my wife (Site selection admin) heads back to work the Hugo ceremony. All voters who purchased a token but did not follow through with a mail-in/e-mail vote or a vote on-site are deemed to have voted “No Preference”. You still get a supporting membership in Worldcon 75, you just had no say in who won.

  5. How does the whole Nasfic thing work? Is there already a con in waiting to be that, or is there another vote coming soon to figure that out?

  6. @Jeff R.: The NASFiC, when applicable, is voted on the year before it would take place, so the NASFiC vote would be conducted next year. As far as I know, no bids for a 2017 NASFiC have been announced yet. If no bids file by the deadline in January 2016, there won’t be a NASFiC in 2017.

  7. rcade: I think I would be able to fit 5-6 persons extra at my place in Stockholm. Depending on how your backs are and so on. People who prefer a bit more comfort might want a hotel instead. 😉

  8. sveinung on August 22, 2015 at 5:27 pm said:

    “Of course we support Helsinki.” Vox Day

    “We have always been at war with supported Eastasia the Helsinki bid,” said MinTrue spokesman Theodore Beale.

  9. @rcade
    > will we see any Finns or others from the surrounding countries as nominees?

    Wouldn’t that be cool? Though I selfishly hope written works would be available to read in English.

  10. Jon Meltzer: Well, feh. No more Helsinki bid parties with great food. I’m so disappointed.

    Not so! If you’re at MidAmericon II in Kansas City, Missouri next year, Worldcon 75 will no doubt still be having a “Come to our Worldcon” party.

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