How to Comment on Jay Kay Klein Photo Identifications

JJ Jacobson, the Jay Kay and Doris Klein Science Fiction Librarian at the Eaton Collection of Science Fiction and Fantasy, tells how to use their recently-added Disqus capability to comment on photo identifications.

JJ Jacobson: When we created the Klein Photo info-form, we did so to give fans who aren’t on social media (or at least not on Facebook) a way to tell us about the photos, and to make our metadata-improvement process scalable, knowing that there are another 58,000 photos to come.

However, a few folks continued to post information on the Eaton’s FB page, and we noticed that there were lively conversations taking place in the comment threads. Folks seemed to be having such a good time reminiscing together that we started looking for a way to make more of those conversations about the photos possible. So we decided to experiment with a  threaded-commenting function right in Calisphere.

We’re using a 3rd-party app called Disqus, which a few other digital and Special Collections libraries have been pleased with – much faster for our experiment than building one out in Calisphere. It’s now live. The short description and explanation are now here, along with a commenting policy.  Here’s a longer community fact sheet, for those who want it:

Brief directions on the Klein Photos in Calisphere:  Use the new commenting feature now available on Calisphere for this collection (to access commenting select an image and click “Join the Discussion”).

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One thought on “How to Comment on Jay Kay Klein Photo Identifications

  1. I discovered this was active when Gregory Benford e-mailed me today about a photo of unknown fans which turned out to be Bill Rotsler, me, and Mike McInerney at the 68 worldcon.

    I have since spread the information far and wide.

    I often comment on NYC real estate blogs, also using Disqus. I comment under my own name; far harder to make trollish comments that way. It’s far easier to use to update the Calisphere photos than the previous unwieldly interface.

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