Howard Waldrop Sighting

 ConQuesT 41 is running in Kansas City this weekend with an excellent slate of guests including Michael Swanwick, Toni Weisskopf and Geri Sullivan. But that’s not all!

Once again on Saturday night there will be a con-within-a-con in the Dawn Patrol suite. To quote Jimmy Hollaman:

As some of you know, this coming weekend is ConQuesT 41. What you might not know is that for the last few years on Saturday night, another convention has been held. Room Con. Basically it’s a convention with in a convention. This year we will be throwing ROOM CON 6.6.6. the con of all Evil, and what a lineup we have. Writer Guest is Howard Waldrop (a national treasure), Artist Guest is Mitch Bentley, Toastmaster is Jim Murray, Fan Guest is Sue Sinor, and last but certainly not least, our returning Musical Guest Bland Lemon Denton (Brad Denton). And for those that drink, you can try a Pale Jimmy, a home brewed beer made just for Room Con. If you have not got to make it to a Room Con yet, please feel free to stop by. Saturday night at 10 we will be opening the doors. Live music, great guest and an art show where you are the artist. Yep come by and create some art with your fellow fans. For more info on Room Con, go to Facebook and look up ROOM CON. There you will find pictures of some of the past Room Cons.

Yes, my sense of humor may be too basic, but something that always gets a laugh out of me is any variation on the nickname “Blind-Lemon-whoever.”

[Via Chronicles of the Dawn Patrol.]

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4 thoughts on “Howard Waldrop Sighting

  1. RoomCon Rocked! Bland Lemon Denton played for 5 hours straight, dozens of people created art in the art show, the RoomCon GoHs were great, my monkey shoes turned out to be the perfect accessory as this year’s RoomCon was populated by a dozen and more sock monkeys, we danced, we drank, we Smooothed…again, again, and again.

    The RoomCon program book is a visual and informational treat, and my convention “badge” is one I’ll proudly wear not just to conventions, but also to the Clearwater Music Festival and similar events in months and years to come.

    Utterly enjoyable and great fun, too. Just like the rest of ConQuesT, and it’s people like Jimmy Hollaman who make it so.

  2. P.S. Back at ConQuesT itself, Saturday’s highlights included “The George and Howard Power Hour” immediately followed by “The Other George and Howard Power Hour.” George RR Martin and Howard Waldrop swapping stories and details from their shared fannish and professional history was captivating, and, um, oh, just a tad amusing.


  3. Geri Thanks for the kind words on Room Con. I hope that all that got to come by Room Con Enjoyed them selves. I hope to have pictures up soon from this years room con up on the ROOM CON facebook page.

    And I was so glad i brought Howard Waldrop in for the convention. I have enjoyed listening to him and read his work over the years. So I decided to bring him in. And i am glad i did. He seems to have been a big hit for his old friends that had not got to see him for a while.

    Howard helped Room Con rock this year….

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