I’m My Own Father-in-Law

“Doctor Who to marry Doctor Who’s daughter” is the headline in The Register:

Doctor Who the 10th, David Tennant, is planning to get hitched to his fictional daughter Georgia Moffett, who also happens to be the real daughter of his fictional fifth incarnation.

David Klaus offered to help me navigate the tangle:

An actor who played The Doctor is to wed daughter of another actor who played The Doctor.

David Tennant is to wed Georgia Moffett, whose father is Peter Davison. “Moffett” is her real name; both “Tennant” and “Davison” are stage names picked to avoid conflict with other actors who had similar names before they — Tenant and Davison — began their careers.

To further complicate matters, on Doctor Who, Georgia Moffatt portrayed Tennant’s Doctor’s genetic daughter.

I see, said the blind man. Now… “where did all you zombies come from?”

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4 thoughts on “I’m My Own Father-in-Law

  1. To complicate matters a little further, Peter Moffett who is popularly known as Peter Davison should not be confused with Peter Moffatt (note slightly different spelling) who has directed a few Doctor Who stories, including three featuring the 5th Doctor.

  2. @Petréa: Excellent! I’d have been disappointed if we fans couldn’t complicate matters a little further…

  3. Well, Peter Davison’s ex-wife, Sandra Dickenson played Trillian in the 1981 television version of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and together the exes are the grandparents of Tyler Peter Moffett, born in 2002. How’s that?

    As sf writer Peter David pointed out in his own weblog, this is the “most meta engagement EV-er.”

  4. And the current head writer and executive producer for the revived show’s fifth series is … Steven Moffat, which while not Moffett is close enough for confusion.

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