J.J. Abrams To Develop Serling Screenplay

J. J. Abrams will develop an unproduced screenplay by Rod Serling reports Variety

“The Stops Along the Way” is described as Serling’s final completed work before his death in June 1975 at the age of 50. Bad Robot and Warner Bros. TV secured the rights to the script from Serling’s widow, Carol Serling. The property will be shopped to TV outlets as a limited series.

Carol Serling would not reveal any of the story’s details to Variety.

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2 thoughts on “J.J. Abrams To Develop Serling Screenplay

  1. He’s ruined Star Trek, now he’s going to make an atrocity of Serling’s work.

  2. How many things can blow up in a Rod Sterling script, anyway? Will there be much opportunity for action hero stunts? Can you “improve” on the Twilight Zome music? I guess Mr. Abrams will give us the answer. The real question is how many effin’ franchises can this guy ruin?

    J.J. Abrams may someday bring us The Muppets, The Addams Family, 007, Homer Simpson and MASH if he isn’t stopped.

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