Jeeves Looking for a Good Read

Terry Jeeves’ daughter, Sandra Hastie, says her dad welcomes any reading matter, certainly letters and fanzines. His current address is:

Queen Margaret’s nursing home, 19 Filey Rd, Scarborough, North Yorks, YO11 2SE, UK

[Via Sheryl Birkhead, with thanks to Andrew Porter.]

Update 1/27/2008: Dave Rowe adds:

“Please write if you can but apart from that, please send him any fnz, magazines or books that he might enjoy so that he doesn’t get bored. His favourite SF was Astounding/Analog from the forties to the seventies and just before he moved into Queen Margaret’s he was reading a Philip K. Dick collection. His interests include films, art, astronomy, astronautics, planes (especially World War II) and science in general. Terry did such a lot for fandom. Please continue to let him know he’s not forgotten.”

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One thought on “Jeeves Looking for a Good Read

  1. I needed to ask Terry a question about cover art he may have done in the 50s, so I sent him a scifi anthology of mine and Robert Blevins – Dimensions.

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