Journey Planet “Be The Change” Submissions Protocol 

By Paul Weimer, Allison Hartman Adams, Christopher J. Garcia and James Bacon:

Paul Weimer and Allison Hartman Adams join James Bacon and Christopher J. Garcia in an issue of Journey Planet that focuses on the future of the Hugo awards, looking at realistic and achievable solutions to prevent a recurrence of what occurred in 2023.  

This fanzine considers what’s next, looking forward, looking at solutions, looking to rebuild trust, honesty, respectfulness and democracy.
Our focus is on “What is to be Done”, a more productive approach than speculation on the whys and wherefores, and how important it is to “be part of the change”. 


We’re delighted with the interest from fans in this issue so far. 

We are also pleased to announce we will be working in partnership with Mike and File 770 publishing articles where agreed subsequently here.

We wanted to share our content guidelines and the submissions email for this issue. 

[email protected] is the email to use please. 

Issue Focus: “Be the Change” 

Content Guidelines: We are looking for next steps, solutions, where we go from here, and motions to be brought to the WSFS business meeting. 

While reflecting on what occurred in 2023, we are looking to the future. There’s been a lot of Hot Air, and we are not interested in musings for the sake of it. But if you are involved actively with a current or future Worldcon, we do want your view as a person who makes this magic happen. 

Contributors are welcome to send us an outline, after which we can confirm acceptance of the proposed article.  

Deadline for Contributions: May 5th and May 17th 2024

Word Count: 1200 words maximum.


Option 1: Submit a motion with explanation for publication. The motion and explanation might get some light copyediting (if necessary) but otherwise will be published as-is.

Deadline 17th May. 

Word Count: 1200 words maximum.

Option 2: Submit a motion that will then be reviewed and commented on,  by experienced practitioners and WSFS parliamentarians in a helpful way. Comments could include suggestions, pointing out possible flaws, recommendations for where to adjust, etc. These comments would be published along with your original piece, but you would have the opportunity to revise your article based on this feedback prior to publication if we have it before the 5th of May.  

Allowing critique time is the 5th until the 12th, then 5 days for review, with our final deadline 17th of May. 

Word Count: 1200 words maximum.

Option 3: You are involved actively with the Hugo Awards and Worldcon and want to share your future view.  

Deadline 17th May.  

Word Count: target of 1200 words, longer pieces will be considered. 

Option 4: You are a current or past Hugo Awards finalist, and you have some views on your experience that you wish future conventions to consider constructively.  

Deadline 17th May.  

Word Count: target of 1200 words, longer pieces will be considered

When you submit your materials, please also let us know 

  • If you’re attending Glasgow 2024 Worldcon?
  • If you will be proposing this motion and attending the business meeting? 
  • If we should put you in touch with other fellow travelers with similarly-themed motions (with the potential to collaborate)?
  • Can we republish your contribution on

Email [email protected]

Our thanks, 
Paul, Allison, James and Chris 

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