Live Coverage of 2017 Hugo Ceremony – Stay Tuned

Worldcon 75 Hugo Administrator Nicholas Whyte says: “We do plan to livestream, but won’t be able to share the link until the day of the ceremony.”

At the Hugo Awards Web Site, Kevin Standlee has compiled the available information about 2017 Hugo Ceremony coverage:

WHEN: The 2017 Hugo Awards Ceremony begins Friday, August 11, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. Eastern European Summer Time (UTC+3)

WHERE: Messukeskus (Convention Center) Hall 1 in Helsinki, Finland.

VIDEO: Worldcon 75 Helsinki plans to offer live video streaming of the Hugo Awards ceremony via their YouTube channel.

TEXT: The Hugo Awards web site will offer text-based coverage of the Hugo Awards ceremony via CoverItLive. The hosts will be Kevin Standlee, Cheryl Morgan, and Susan de Guardiola. You can sign up at the CoverItLive event site for an e-mail notification before the event starts.

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8 thoughts on “Live Coverage of 2017 Hugo Ceremony – Stay Tuned

  1. I just realized the announcements will be around lunch time, perfect…. no staying up late required.

  2. Yes, 12:30 pm Eastern US (EDT). Pleased I won’t be up past my bedtime this year! 🙂

  3. Weeeell this is going to be way past my bedtime, BUT I’m traveling back to Asia from Europe and will be hella jetlagged this weekend… so maybe I’ll catch some ill-advised 3am Hugo action anyway.

    ETA huh, in fact Eastern European time is only 2.5 hours ahead so I can basically watch as part of a normal evening! Too bad it never seems to work out this well for Eurovision.

  4. This will be my first time actually watching the ceremony (for obvious reasons) – I’ve usually just followed along on twitter or a ustream chat. But here’s hoping we’ll all see Paul Weimer get to give a little acceptance speech!

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