Looking for 2013 TAFF Candidates

The Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund is looking for candidates for the 2013 Westbound TAFF trip.

TAFF co-administrator John Coxon says candidates must:

• Be nominated by three European SF fans.
• Be nominated by two North American SF fans.
• Submit a written platform not exceeding 101 words.
• Post a bond of £15 (GBP).

The candidates must also pledge to take the 2013 TAFF trip and attend the Worldcon, LoneStarCon 3, in San Antonio, TX, USA from August 29 to September 2, 2013.

“TAFF delegates are expected to write and produce a trip report and will administer the fund for two years,” adds Coxon. “The fan fund will pay for the trip, related expenses and the publication of the completed trip report.”

Candidates will be voted on by interested fans from all over the world – voters and nominators must be active SF fans that are known to the administrators.

Nominators should send their nominations to their local administrator. The European administrator is John Coxon – his email address is john.coxon (at) gmail.com and his postal address is 14 Chapel Lane, Peterborough, PE4 6RS, United Kingdom. The North American administrator is Jacqueline Monahan – her email address is jaxn8r (at) msn.com and her postal address is 2991 El Cajon Street, Las Vegas, NV 89169, United States.

The deadline for nominations is 23:59 GMT on December 31, 2012. Voting will commence shortly after the close of nominations and be completed by April 5, 2013.

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