Lundrigan Wins Baen Writing Contest

Patrick Lundrigan of New Jersey has won the 2010 Jim Baen Memorial Writing Contest with his entry “Space Hero.” 

The result was announced on May 11, but had largely gone unnoticed til Baen copied the press release to news bloggers this week.

First runner-up was “Citizen-Astronaut” by David Levine of Portland, Oregon and second runner up was “High Ground” by Australian writer Stuart Gibbon.

The full press release follows the jump.

[Thanks to Laura Haywood-Cory for the story.]

Patrick Lundrigan Wins 2010 Jim Baen Memorial Writing Contest

Baen Books and National Space Society Team Promote Space-Based Science Fiction

Wake Forest, NC, May 11, 2010— Patrick Lundrigan, of Boonton, New Jersey, won the 2010 Jim Baen Memorial Writing Contest with a story titled “Space Hero.” 

The Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Contest was designed to promote and reward forward thinking science fiction authors who write exciting and innovative stories about the near future of manned space exploration. Toni Weisskopf, publisher of Baen Books, said “I was also favorably impressed by the positive spirit toward space science and the future found in each story. Space development was one of Jim Baen’s passions.”

“Space Hero” will be published on the Baen Books main website and Mr. Lundrigan will receive standard professional payment rates for the story. This year’s judges were Baen Books Senior Editors, Hank Davis and Jim Minz, and New York Times bestselling science fiction author David Weber.

First runner-up was “Citizen-Astronaut” by David Levine of Portland, Oregon and second runner up was “High Ground” by Australian writer Stuart Gibbon.

Each of the three winners will receive a membership in the National Space Society, and Baen Books and NSS merchandise.

The awards were presented at the 29th International Space Development Conference, in Chicago, Ill on May 30th, 2010.


About the Jim Baen Memorial Writing Contest

The Jim Baen Memorial Writing Contest is named for Jim Baen, founder of Baen Books and renowned science fiction editor and publisher. The contest seeks to provide incentives for new authors to write short speculative fiction. The winning entry is published at the Baen Books web site. The contest is a fitting memorial for Baen, who died in 2006, since he spent much of his career finding and grooming new writers. Among the authors he published first were Lois McMaster Bujold, Charles Sheffield, Eric Flint, David Weber and John Ringo. For more information contact Baen Books,


About the National Space Society

The National Space Society (NSS) is an independent, grassroots organization dedicated to the creation of a spacefaring civilization. Founded in 1974, NSS is widely acknowledged as the preeminent citizen’s voice on space. NSS counts thousands of members and over 50 chapters in the United States and around the world. The society also publishes Ad Astra magazine, an award-winning periodical chronicling the most important developments in space. For more information about NSS, how to join or donate, or the annual International Space Development Conference, visit

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