Masked Filers Reading SFF:
After Atlas

Goobergunch is passing the time with a book while he awaits his next social distancing opportunity.

I’ve been taking advantage of the library’s ebook lending program to do some Hugo reading during shelter-in-place. Here’s me reading After Atlas by Emma Newman, and wishing cloudLibrary had the subsequent two Planetfall novels. (Not that I’m likely to run out of books to read any time soon.)

The mask is my cold-weather hiking balaclava; I’m a little envious of everyone who’s creative enough to have a mask that’s both fancy and effective.

If you want to see this series continue, send photos of your mask and social distancing reads to mikeglyer (at) cs (dot) com

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4 thoughts on “Masked Filers Reading SFF:
After Atlas

  1. All of the books in the series are excellent, and each of them pretty much stands alone. I especially liked Before Mars.

    I hope things improve soon to the extent that you are able to access your library’s physical books. I’ve unearthed several older e-books which have been waiting a long time on Mount Tsundoku. 🙂

  2. Yeah, I am very excited to continue the series! When I started After Atlas at first I wasn’t sure how it was going to tie into the first novel but I was very pleased at how, while you could definitely read it as a standalone, the events in Planetfall‘s background ended up being key to the resolution.

    I don’t really expect my library to be opening physically any time soon (Santa Clara County’s current shelter-in-place expires on May 31, and that may or may not get extended), which is a bit frustrating, but I really do appreciate my local government’s emphasis on being guided by science in keeping its residents safe from COVID-19.

    Also I ended up spending much of the day after finishing After Atlas shelving some of the physical books that are lying in piles around my apartment (in the process unearthing a couple more anthologies containing Retro Hugo finalists), so that was unexpectedly productive.

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