2020 Australian Fairy Tale Society Award Nominees

The 2020 nominees for the Australian Fairy Tale Society Annual Award for Inspiration and Contribution to Australian Fairy Tale Culture” are Lorena Carrington, Serene Conneeley and Juliette Marillier. Voting is open to AFTS members only.

Here are some of the things mentioned by her nominators:

“Lorena illustrates books by Australia’s leading fairytale authors such as Kate Forsyth and Sophie Masson, along with her own book of illustrated fairytale quotations, Wiser than Evening.

Lorena is a photographic artist and illustrator. Her book ‘Vasilisa the Wise and Other Tales of Brave Young Women’ with fairy tales retold by Kate Forsyth, was published by Serenity Press in 2017. The follow-up, ‘The Buried Moon and Other Tales of Bright Young Women’ arrived 2019. A third, ‘Snow White, Rose Red and Other Tales of Kind Young Women’, is arriving now and she has more books coming out with Serenity Press (for this series and other fairytale projects) over the next two years.

“She has proven that [fairy tales] are not simply a European phenomenon, locked away in tradition, but rather are a living entity, with tributaries springing from many cultural sources, near and far, ancient and modern, bearing significant relevance to Australia as a leader in vibrant intercultural harmony.”

“Lorena is a respected presenter, often called upon to speak about visual storytelling, creating art in the Australian landscape, and feminism in myth and fairy tales.”

Here are some of the things mentioned by her nominators:

“She has published a range of fairy tale books and retellings and shared these generously with AFTS members, and has attended most of the Sydney fairy tale rings always contributing very interesting perspectives and content.”

“Serene is a quiet achiever.”

Here are some of the things mentioned by her nominators:

“Juliette Marillier is a fabulously successful historical fantasy writer, working out of Western Australia. She wrote the Sevenwaters double trilogy, and 16 other full length novels, steeped in fairy tale lore. She has won 14 major writing awards and I am always amazed that so few Australians know she is Australian.”

”Juliette’s stories are based on Celtic tradition, she is retelling fairy tales that are important to Australians raised in that tradition. Her heroes and heroines suffer but continue to strive to help each other even in the darkest times. Her love stories are epic..”

“Marillier has helped bring a new generation of readers back to folklore and fairy tale retellings.”

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