Match It For Pratchett

After Terry Pratchett announced he will donate one million dollars to Alzheimer’s Research, Pat Cadigan urged fans collectively to Match it for Pratchett with their own donations.

Full text of the SFWA press release is below the cut.

Best-selling fantasy author Terry Pratchett announced Thursday, March 13, that he will donate one million dollars to Alzheimer’s research at the University of Bradford. The announcement was made at the Alzheimer’s Research Trust 9th Annual Conference in Bristol, UK.

Pratchett was diagnosed with a rare early-onset form of Alzheimer’s disease in December. Currently there are around 15,000 people in the UK with early-onset dementia, which strikes under the age of 65.

Professor Murna Downs, Head of the Bradford Dementia Group responded to the announcement: “This is very welcome news. Evaluating approaches that help people live with dementia and maintain well-being is central to the work we do here. We applaud Mr Pratchett for his generosity and bravery for speaking out about his condition.

“Currently we are involved in a GBP1.2-million study investigating the value of reminiscence groups for people suffering with dementia. However, there’s much more work to be done and help such as this donation to fund research is greatly appreciated.”

The Bradford Dementia Group is based within the University of Bradford‘s School of Health Studies. Their research on reminiscence is funded by the National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment Programme and its emphasis is on quality of life.

Led by experts at Bangor University, and involving researchers in Manchester, Hull, London and Bradford, it builds on a ten-year development of the reminiscence approach by Pam Schweitzer, former creative director at the charity Age Exchange and a pilot study undertaken in Bangor, Bradford and London.

The complete text of Pratchett’s speech is available in PDF.


Science fiction author Pat Cadigan has responded to the announcement with a challenge to Terry Pratchett’s many fans and friends to “Match it for Pratchett” and contribute toward Alzheimer’s disease research. She points out that it would take only a couple of dollars each from 1/2 million people to match Pratchett’s generous pledge.

A Match it for Pratchett T-shirt is now available at Cafe Press with the profits going to Alzheimer’s Research.

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