Mike Resnick’s Five Hugos Donated to Worldcon Heritage Organization

The Worldcon Heritage Organization today announced that Carol Resnick, widow of author Mike Resnick, has donated five of his Hugo Award trophies to WHO.

The trophy plaques are inscribed:

  • Science Fiction Achievement Award / Best Short Story of 1988 / “Kirinyaga” / By Mike Resnick / Noreascon Three
  • 1991 Hugo Award – Chicon V / Best Novelette / The Manamouki / Mike Resnick
  • 1995 HUGO AWARD / For Achievement in Science Fiction and Fantasy / BEST NOVELLA / Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge / Mike Resnick
  • 2005 HUGO AWARD / For Achievement in Science Fiction and Fantasy // INTERACTION / The 63rd World Science Fiction Convention / Glasgow, Scotland / August 2005 // Best Short Story / Travels with My Cats / By Mike Resnick

Michael Resnick, who died in Cincinnati, Ohio on January 9, 2020, was a widely-regarded science fiction writer, editor, and fan. He won five Hugo awards and a Nebula award, and was the guest of honor at Chicon 7, the 70th World Science Fiction Convention. He was the executive editor of Jim Baen’s Universe magazine, and the creator and editor of Galaxy’s Edge magazine.

Carol Resnick is a longtime Midwestern fan, currently residing in Cincinnati, and a member of the CFG (Cincinnati Fantasy Group). In prior years in the Chicago area, she was a founder of Windycon, and a noted costumer and masquerade judge.

Worldcon Heritage Organization expressed gratitude to Carol for the donation. Being able to view these Hugo trophies helps to connect fans with the Worldcon experience.

[Based on a press release.]

Five of Mike Resnick’s Hugo Trophies received by WHO from Carol Resnick, with Mary Morman, Director, Ted Monogue, Treasurer, and Kent Bloom, President of WHO.

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6 thoughts on “Mike Resnick’s Five Hugos Donated to Worldcon Heritage Organization

  1. What a wonderful gift to honor one of the great contributors to our world of Science Fiction and Fantasy!

  2. That’s a lovely gesture by Carol Resnick. It’s always wonderful when Hugo Awards stay “in the family”, so to say, rather than getting auctioned off.

    Also, I implore every Hugo winner to decide where they want their Hugos to go after their deaths and put this in their will, because otherwise the Hugos might get auctioned off (best case scenario) or thrown out by people who don’t know what they are (worst case).

    My Hugo will go to the Phantastische Bibliothek in Wetzlar after my death BTW. They have Germany’s largest collection of SFF and are part of the German national library, so it seems fitting.

  3. If only there were a British equivalent of WHO to which UK Hugo winners could leave their awards. (When last asking around about this, I got the impression that the SF Foundation in Liverpool doesn’t have the storage space.)

  4. One correction to the press release–CFG is Cincinnati Fantasy Group, not Cincinnati Fan Group (though the latter may make more sense).

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