New Ansible E-list

Dave Langford, who lost the use of the 3500+ member Ansible e-mail list last month, has replaced it with a Google Groups service.

“All subscribers to the old Ansible mailing list (which died in September) should now have been invited to the new one,” he reports. “To subscribe to this Ansible mailing list, send email to [email protected] – the actual message content doesn’t matter.” (Marshall McLuhan proven right once again…)

Update 10/08/2010: Corrected reference per Patrick’s comment, not having been able to think of anything paricularly geodesic about the Ansible e-mail list.

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3 thoughts on “New Ansible E-list

  1. Langford didn’t personally run into problems but was worried by alarming user reports of what seems to be an unadmitted and unfixed bug in Google Groups. Experiments with a another, temporary mailing list indicate that it’s not a problem for announcement-only lists like Ansible‘s.

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