New SFF Award: Keystroke Medium Reader’s Choice Awards

By Dann Todd: Keystroke Medium is a collection of authors that lean towards the MilSF subgenre. Last year, Keystroke Medium helped to raise roughly US$5000 in their Covers for a Cause for Parkinson’s research.

The guys from KSM are back this year with another way for them to promote the science fiction and fantasy genre. They recently announced the creation of the Keystroke Medium Reader’s Choice Awards.

The categories are —

  • Best Science Fiction Novel
  • Best Military Science Fiction Novel
  • Best Post-Apocalyptic Novel
  • Best Fantasy Novel
  • Best Epic Fantasy Novel
  • Best Urban Fantasy Novel
  • Best Horror Novel
  • Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy Anthology
  • Best Cover Design
  • Best Audiobook

The awards will be presented at the 20 Books to Vegas Conference in November of 2018. Nominations are open until July 20, 2018 with final voting to take place throughout August of 2018.

The KSM Reader’s Choice Awards are not restricted to KSM listeners. Members of the larger SF/F community are invited to participate.

The current nomination process requires an email address with each submission. There is no verification process to prevent one person (or a small group of people) from stuffing the ballot box.

Josh Hayes of KSM has indicated that they are aware of the potential problem. Josh said that they have not seen any evidence of that being an issue thus far. But they have discussed some options for the future if it should become a problem. Josh and the team are willing to evaluate suggestions that anyone might have.

(FTR, I did exchange some email with Josh knowing that the ballot security issue would be discussed by various File770 denizens. He seems very nice and very approachable.)

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5 thoughts on “New SFF Award: Keystroke Medium Reader’s Choice Awards

  1. @GSLamb

    My understanding is that they are inviting nominations from within the full range of the genre. This group bends towards MilSF, but the awards are for the entire genre.

    This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force. – Dorothy Parker

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