No (More) Time For Sergeant Harris

Tyler and Sarah Harris 

St. Louis fan Tyler Harris joined the Army in November 2001 in response to 9/11. He signed up for eight years, with a four-year active duty commitment. He was trained in maintaining networking systems and deployed to Kuwait and Iraq before being released from active duty. He became part of the Individual Ready Reserves in 2006 to finish his eight year enlistment. However, he was recalled to active duty in December 2008 and sent back to Iraq with a unit of the Mississippi National Guard in June 2009.

Although his eight-year contract is due to expire in November, Harris is not going to be released from duty and faces the prospect of remaining in Iraq until his unit returns home in April 2010.

So Harris has taken the novel approach of blogging his protests and giving his story to a local newspaper columnist in an effort to get the Army to release him when his eight years are up.

On August 23 Bill McClellan of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch wrote a column about Harris titled: “Eight is enough, sergeant tells Army”.

His eight-year commitment will be finished in November, but for “the good of the service,” his termination date is being extended.

He is handling this the way you might expect a computer geek to handle it. He is blogging. He is asking people to contact senators and congressmen. You can read his blog at Be forewarned that some of the language is saltier than you’ll find in a family newspaper.

[Thanks to David Klaus for the link.]

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One thought on “No (More) Time For Sergeant Harris

  1. This is just another example of b’cratic justice the current crop of politicians adjust to suit themselves. It’s bad enough when such things are comitted against civilians but this soldier signed what amounts to a contract to offer up his life for the duration of the contract. Instead of honoring the agreement the gov’t has decided to dishonor it and again place the life of this soldier in further danger for the sake of a bunch of people, most of whom don’t realize or care, just what in the hell we’re there for anyway. And to further the injustice, if he honors the contract and walks at the end of it, they will more than likely try him for desertion. Good luck Sgt. A lot of people are pulling for you.

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