Extra Bradbury

Bradbury and his look-alike 89th birthday cake 

Here are more links to Bradbury-inspired goodness:

(1) Roger Lay Jr. has posted a video of Ray Bradbury blowing out the candles on his 89th birthday cake.

(2) Bradbury’s birthday rated a story in the Glendale (CA) paper, and an excellent photo demonstrating the close resemblance between the author and his cake.

More than 100 people crammed into the Mystery and Imagination bookshop to help Bradbury – best known for penning the 1953 science-fiction novel “Fahrenheit 451”- celebrate his 89th birthday.

“Your books will live forever,” Christine Bell, one of the store’s owners, told Bradbury, presenting him with a giant birthday card that had been signed by many in attendance. Fans who lived too far away to attend learned of the event on the Internet and sent dozens of birthday cards, which Bell also presented to Bradbury.

[Thanks to John King Tarpinian and David Klaus for the links.]

Update 08/26/2009: Removed Newsfromme link which did not work.

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