Noreascon 4 Hugo Nominee Stats

Noreascon 4’s Hugo Administrator, Rick Katze, has posted the top 15 vote-getters in each category on the Worldcon’s Hugo nomination details page. Here’s the chance to satisfy your morbid curiosity — how close did you came to making the final ballot? (Finalists already know how far from winning they were, because Katze unveiled the 2004 Hugo final results on the night of the awards.) This is everyone else’s chance to rise up in righteous indignation and declaim the nonentities standing between our friends and the finalists. (Hangin’s too good for ‘em!) And if all you’re interested in is the fan Hugo categories, we’ve got the stats and a list of their links just a click away …

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Note: The names above the dashed line were finalists.
Best Fan Writer (260 people nominated)
John L. Flynn

— 55
Jeff Berkwits

— 45
Bob Devney — 42
Dave Langford

— 39

Cheryl Morgan — 35

Lloyd Penney

— 25
John Hertz

— 18
Evelyn Leeper

— 17
Teresa Nielsen Hayden

— 16
Guy H. Lillian III

— 13
Steven Silver

— 13
Daniel Kimmel

— 12
Bruce Gillespie

— 11
Karen Bennett

— 10
Ernest Lilley

— 10

Best Fanzine (211 people nominated)
Emerald City

— 48

— 41

— 39

— 26
File 770

— 25


— 20
Devniad — 19

— 17

— 17
Science Fiction Commentary

— 16

— 12
Fortean Bureau

— 12
Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet

— 9
Alexiad — 9
MT Void

— 9
Trap Door— 9

Best Fan Artist (190 people nominated)
Frank Wu

— 75
Sue Mason

— 33
Teddy Harvia

— 32
Brad Foster

— 26
Steve Stiles

— 20

Taral Wayne

— 15
Bill Neville— 15
Alexis Gilliland — 14
Sheryl Birkhead

— 10
Kurt Erichsen

— 10
Marc Schirmeister — 10
Dan Steffan — 10
Alan White

— 9
Mel Vavaroutsos

— 8
Stu Shiffman

— 7

The links are included as a public service to anyone whose shouting “Who in hell is that?” is more than a rhetorical question. The list is incomplete, unfortunately. Joe Major’s Alexiad and John Hertz don’t have websites. Also, if Alexis Gilliland, Sue Mason, Marc Schirmeister, Dan Steffan or Steve Stiles keep up a website we didn’t find it, though we added a representative link in a couple of instances anyway. A Google search on the fanartists’ names also will lead to numerous individual examples of their art.

You are right if you suspect two of the top 15 fanzine nominees are obvious semiprozines getting votes from people confused about the categories. The Fortean Bureau is a magazine of speculative fiction. Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet actually got nominations for both semiprozine and fanzine, but reveals online it is a market for fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and black and white art.

The administrator explains, “We validated the eligibility and names/titles of all nominees who might have affected the final ballot, but did not attempt to validate nominees who received fewer nominations.”

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