NYRSF Readings Feature Mosley and di Filippo on 9/9

The 24th season of New York Review of Science Fiction readings kicks off September 9 with a mystery writer who has crossed the genre border to write science fiction, and a science fiction writer who has written mysteries.

Walter-Mosley1_credit-c-David-BurnettWalter Mosley is the author of the bestselling mystery series featuring Easy Rawlins, as well as numerous other works, from literary fiction and science fiction to a young adult novel and political monographs. Mosley is the winner of numerous awards, including an O. Henry Award, the Anisfield-Wolf Book Award, a Grammy, and PEN America’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He lives in New York City.

Paul_Di_Filippo_2009 CROPPaul di Filippo has published over thirty books. Perhaps his most well-known are The Steampunk Trilogy and Ribofunk, but he’s very proud of them all, even his Creature From The Black Lagoon sharecrop novel, Time’s Black Lagoon. He lives in Lovecraft’s burg, Providence, Rhode Island, with his mate of nearly forty years, Deborah Newton. He has been working — or not working — on a new novel Up Around The Bend for way too long. He hopes he is at the midpoint of his career.

This session of the Readings will venture to The Commons Brooklyn at 388 Atlantic Avenue (between Hoyt & Bond St.), Brooklyn NY.

Directions and the full press release follow the jump.


Walter Mosley & Paul di Filippo read 9/9

For immediate release
Contact: Jim Freund
[email protected]
images available for publication
Press contact number: 718-395-7458

Walter Mosley
Paul di Filippo

Tuesday, Sept. 9th — doors open 6:30 p.m.

$7 suggested donation

The Commons | 388 Atlantic Avenue

(directions & links below)

After a summer break, it is time to begin what is (amazingly) the 24th season of our reading series. And we will start off with some amazing writers! A mystery writer who has crossed the genre border to write science fiction, and a science fiction writer who has written mysteries.

Further, this kick-off will be an experiment in venues — our first event outside of lower Manhattan at the beautiful Commons Brooklyn at 388 Atlantic Avenue, right near the the Hoyt-Schermerhorn subway stop and the Barclay Center. (Pay no attention to the offices of the radio station on the third floor.) We will return to the SGDA in October.

Walter Mosley is the author of the bestselling mystery series featuring Easy Rawlins, as well as numerous other works, from literary fiction and science fiction to a young adult novel and political monographs. Mosley is the winner of numerous awards, including an O. Henry Award, the Anisfield-Wolf Book Award, a Grammy, and PEN America’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He lives in New York City.

Paul di Filippo has published over thirty books. Perhaps his most well-known are THE STEAMPUNK TRILOGY and RIBOFUNK, but he’s very proud of them all, even his CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON sharecrop novel, TIME’S BLACK LAGOON. He lives in Lovecraft’s burg, Providence, Rhode Island, with his mate of nearly forty years, Deborah Newton. He has been working–or not working– on a new novel UP AROUND THE BEND for way too long. He hopes he is at the midpoint of his career.

The New York Review of Science Fiction Reading Series provides performances from some of the best writers in science fiction, fantasy, speculative fiction, etc. The series usually takes place the first Tuesday of every month, but maintains flexibility in time and space, so be sure to stay in touch through the mailing list, the Web, and Facebook.
We will have cheese, crackers, and cider on hand, plus the Jenna freebie table for all; and a raffle for any who donate.

After the event, please join us as we treat our readers for dinner and drinks nearby. (Venue to be determined.)

Jim Freund is the Producer and Executive Curator of The New York Review of Science Fiction Readings. He has been involved in producing radio programs of and about literary sf/f since 1967. His long-running live radio program, “Hour of the Wolf,” broadcasts and streams every Wednesday night/Thursday morning from 1:30-3:00 AM. Programs are available by stream for 2 weeks after broadcast. (Check http://hourwolf.com/, follow @JimFreund, or join the Hour of the Wolf group on Facebook for details.) In addition, Jim is Podcast Editor and Host for Lightspeed Magazine.

The Commons Brooklyn at 388 Atlantic Avenue is an open and collaborative movement building space, only minutes away from the Hoyt-Schermerhorn and Atlantic Avenue subway stops in downtown Brooklyn. The Commons provides resources to the progressive community including affordable office and meeting spaces as well as an event venue that can host anything from parties and benefits to forums, performances, films and workshops. If you are interested in meeting or event space, please contact them at [email protected].

Tuesday, September 9th
Doors open at 6:30 — event begins at 7
The Commons Brooklyn
388 Atlantic Avenue (between Hoyt & Bond St.)
By Subway
A, C, G to Hoyt-Schermerhorn Sts.; 2, 3, 4, 5, D, N, R or LIRR to Atlantic Av/Barclay Ctr.

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