Orlando in 2023 NASFiC Bid

Orlando is the first city to announce a bid to hold the 2023 North American Science Fiction Convention (NASFiC). Since 1975, NASFiCs have been held whenever the Worldcon takes place outside North America, as provided by the WSFS Constitution. The selection of Chengdu, China to host the 2023 Worldcon opens the way for a NASFiC the same year.

The Orlando in 2023 NASFiC Bid Facebook page says this new bid supersedes the Orlando in 2026 Worldcon bid.

The Orlando NASFiC bid currently has a Facebook and Twitter presence. They are working on their website, which will be here when it is ready.

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12 thoughts on “Orlando in 2023 NASFiC Bid

  1. At the 2024—Infinity Worldcon Bid Q&A panel, the Orlando in 2026 bid said that they were still nailing down details because COVID; the facilities would be similar to MagiCon’s, but they needed to figure out the best way to configure them.

  2. I was at MagiCon, but … no more Florida cons for me until there is regime change to something that cannot be described as “pro disease”.

  3. I wonder if I will want to add Disneyworld to this trip. Los Angeles is supposedly also running so that is also a choice.

  4. Hmm, lots to think about and plenty of time to hear more. The wacko governor does make me nervous.

  5. The governor does go up for re-election before the convention, but after the site selection.

  6. David Shallcross on December 20, 2021 at 5:49 pm said:

    I’m curious how they will address the issue of the Florida summer climate.

    It will be summer in Florida. People will cope, just like they did when Worldcon was there in 1992.

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