Patreon Bans Jon Del Arroz for Hate Speech Violation

Jon Del Arroz announced to his YouTube audience today that “Patreon Just Banned YOUR Favorite LATINX Author!”

Previously, his Patreon page looked like this:

Now it looks like this:

Del Arroz showed a screenshot of a letter from Patreon which told him:

My name is Magda, and I’m on the Trust & Safety team here at Patreon. I want to let you know that your creator page has been removed for violating our Community Guidelines concerning Hate Speech.

While diverse viewpoints are welcomed, there is no room on Patreon for creators who promote sentiments of discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation. Our guidelines state that creators who violate the Hate Speech section may be banned from using Patreon.

I have attached a CSV file with your patrons’ information. I have also paid your remaining account balance of $0.00 to your current payout method. …

The Community Guidelines refer to projects on Patreon, therefore the Hate Speech violation must have involved material Del Arroz posted there. It is not known whether the item was visible to the public or only to his patrons.

It also remains to be seen whether Patreon’s ban will be permanent. The Patreon Help Center says he has 72 hours to appeal their decision. There is also the potential for reinstatement, being given permission to start a new page, after Patreon reviews “both your new projects and your online presence as a whole.”

And that’s just going by the rules, a limitation Del Arroz rejected when he was permabanned from Twitter last August. He soon reappeared using a new account — @LeadingHispanic. Twitter has proven deaf to every effort to bring the charade to their attention.

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27 thoughts on “Patreon Bans Jon Del Arroz for Hate Speech Violation

  1. Pingback: Jon Del Arroz’s History of Trolling and Harassing

  2. I don’t know if I could name my favorite Latinex author but I have never read anything by him so I guess he does not write Hugo nominated novels.

  3. The gentleman in question would argue that his lack of a Hugo award is a plot; a plot I tell you!

  4. Yeah, that’s really all that needs to be said about him, other than “the lunkhead who never learns,” apparently.

    That’s assuming he isn’t doing these things on purpose. The grift is strong with this one, and these episodes of victimhood probably make a fine fundraising platform, likely better than Patreon did.

  5. My favorite Latinx author is probably Silvia Moreno-Garcia, with Ty Franck running a strong second.

  6. Chris R: And overnight he started another — @jonarroz — with the same identifying art as @LeadingHispanic. His fallback in case Twitter actually does something to his first under-the-radar account.

  7. Mike Glyer says What’s that, the countdown to Judge Magney’s next correction?

    Considering the discussion we’ve been having off list, that’s just ever so on target.

    Has Judge ever actually made a comment outside of correcting something? I don’t remember him ever doing so. I’ve never seen anyone who is less of a useful contributor to the discussion here than him who actually has a presence.

  8. What? What his Patreon account has a zero balance in it? Where is the flow of money from the vast legions of fans supporting the foremost SSF LATINX Author that ever graced our presence? Yes, I was been sarcastic. As if you didn’t know that.

    Seriously how the frell can any author have a zero Patreon balance? I support a number of authors (Bear, Brust, Garrett and Rusch are but some of them ) and all have by their own accounting are doing rather well. Surely he appeals to a small clique of fans, doesn’t he? Or is he complete failure as a writer with absolutely no one interested in supporting him?

  9. I took the $0.00 balance statement to be an inartful way of saying “We have transferred all funds from your account and now your balance is $0.00.”

  10. bill says I took the $0.00 balance statement to be an inartful way of saying “We have transferred all funds from your account and now your balance is $0.00.”

    No, there’s no reason to interpret it that way. I’m taking it as said — his balance was exactly zero. They needed to state the balance and they did. I’ve had such accounts and that’s how they do it. Legally they must state what your balance is at the time of closing your account out.

  11. Seriously how the frell can any author have a zero Patreon balance?

    Patreon contributors are charged on the first of the month and the sums distributed to creators. The account was nuked before the next billing cycle.

  12. Cheryl S, says Patreon contributors are charged on the first of the month and the sums distributed to creators. The account was nuked before the next billing cycle.

    Thanks. Though I still like the poetic thought of him being broke.

    (I admit that I pay no attention to the monies being taken out of my bank account. It’s just one of many deductions that get done in a month.)

  13. His fallback in case Twitter actually does something to his first under-the-radar account.

    There’s a long tradition of harassing jackasses having “backup” Twitter accounts set up ahead of time, so that when they FINALLY get suspended for being harassing jackasses they can then just jump back immediately into the game and resume being harassing jackasses. You’ll often see in these jerks’s bios something like either “follow and see @ALTACCOUNT if this account gets banned” or the reverse on the “backup” account’s bio.

    (I mean, ban evasion has ALWAYS been a thing, too, but this blatant violation of ToS always reminds me where Twitter/FB’s thoughts actually lie on the matter of harassment like this. There was a Gamergater who went through something like fifteen separate accounts in the space of a year or so, because he couldn’t be bothered to not be a … well, baen-ish kinda dude.)

    Le sigh.

  14. Pingback: Top 10 Stories for March 2022 | File 770

  15. Okay I know the guy’s been something of a provocateur but does anybody know what he said / did to trigger this? I know he had his Indiegogo campaign nuked, was it related in some way to that?

  16. Ben Harris: does anybody know what he said / did to trigger this?

    His blogs and videos are all pretty much a word vomit of hate speech, how would you identify one instance over any other? It’s likely that the ban was a result of repeated bad behavior over a long period.

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