Philip Rahman Dies

Philip Rahman, co-founder of small press Fedogan & Bremer, reportedly died on July 23. 
Stephen Jones has marked Rahman’s passing with a fine tribute which begins —

Philip was a gentle and generous person—often to a fault. He cared about other people too much and not enough about what it cost him. In the late 1980s, Phil and Dennis Weiler created the Minneapolis imprint Fedogan & Bremer to do the kind of books that they felt Arkham House should still be publishing. Over the next sixteen years they produced a number of attractive and important volumes by Donald Wandrei, Howard Wandrei, Carl Jacobi, Robert Bloch, Hugh B. Cave, Basil Copper, Richard L. Tierney, Brian Lumley, Richard A. Lupoff and Adam Niswander, along with a series of Lovecraftian anthologies edited by Robert M. Price. Several of their books went into reprint and mass-market editions, and some were award winners and nominees….

[Thanks to Andrew Porter for the story.]

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