Photos of 1981 NYC Party for James White

Peter de Jong recently found a set of 27 photos taken at a 1981 party for LunaCon GoH James White, the Irish sf writer, and has posted them here.

The party, organized by Moshe Feder, was held at de Jong’s apartment in midtown Manhattan. Feder says he does not know who took the pictures.

James White wears his famous Saint Fantony blazer in photo #1.

Fans identified in the photographs are: Norma Auer Adams, Larry Carmody, Ross Chamberlain, Alina Chu, Eli Cohen, Genny Dazzo, Peter de Jong, Moshe Feder, Chip Hitchcock, Lenny Kaye, Hope Leibowitz, Craig Miller, Andrew Porter, Stu Shiffman, James White, Jonathan White, Peggy White, and Ben Yalow.

(There is also an unnamed fan in photo #4 I recognize. She occasionally looks at this blog and I will happily add her name to this article if she grants permission.)

[Thanks to Moshe Feder and Andrew Porter for the story.]

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2 thoughts on “Photos of 1981 NYC Party for James White

  1. Boy, does that bring back memories — I got to that Lunacon on the company dime because I was going to a professional conference the day after. I arrived at the party after a day trying to sell a packaged computer system (with 8″ floppies and a screen about the same size) for semi-automated searching of databases. (Somewhere there’s a pic of our booth at the conference, with me misidentified as my boss’s boss.) Given the number and range of photos, I’m surprised that at least one person who was there wasn’t captured.

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